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Member Here :)
Mar 10, 2011
Hey everyone! :))
So most of you know I was talking about going to look at a chinchilla that needed a home and well I did!
He is the sweetest,friendliest, most outgoing little chin I have ever met! I fell in love with him right away and from my avatar, you can see, I got him!!!
He is settling in great which is good. He really seams to like when I interact with him.
He seams like he was taken care of and handled a lot but the only thing is he wasnt on the best of food.It had tons of seed and crap in it so I cold switched him to Mazuri chinchilla food. I hope it was ok switching him like that, the food he was on looked like hamster food and wanted him on something better. He is a real little guy. Is that normal? he is at least 6 months old..maybe around 8 or 9 months?
He seams to love his cage and hops all over the ledges and runs in his wheel.
I am so in love with him already! I just need to name him now..I was thinking Rueki but I dont think it suits him. I'll try and come up with something soon.

And I will post pic's of him tomorrow. Then once my order of fleece stuff gets here, Ill post pics of his cage once thats done :))

Just wanted to let everyone know the good news!
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Congratulations on your new baby!!!

Petite chinchillas are fine -- I think that both Mr. Whiskers and Little Two Paws were runts, since they are so small compared to The Snuggler, but I love them just the same!!!

Let him get settled in for a while before you love him to death!!! :)

ETA: Keep an eye on his poops if you use Mazuri. Although Mazuri is a quality chin food, others, including my boys, have experienced wet poops with Mazuri. Maybe think about Oxbow, Tradition or PRCS.
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Congrats! I'm happy for you! We love seeing pics, too ya know! I'm also one of those people whose chin got messy poops on Mazuri, but many don't and it is a quality food. Just keep that in mind if it seems to be happening later. From what I understand chins come in many sizes and you may just have a petite fella! Nothing wrong with that. He looks super cute from your avatar! :D
congrats!! Can't wait to see more pics but your avatar is super cute!! My girls are on mazuri and I've never had troubles but I guess it all depends on the chinchilla.
Congrats! Hope you get to keep this one for a very long time :) I wouldn't worry about his weight, some chins are just smaller!
The ideal way to switch food for chinchillas is to wean it off it, as it could be harsh on their stomach.

The way is for the first day mix 3/4 of the food they have been eating with 1/4 of the new stuff.
The next few days switch them half and half.
after that, mixing 1/4 old food 3/4 new food.

I remember reading that somewhere. I don't know if it will exactly 'help', but though I'd share :) I guess it doesn't hurt to try! lol,
Congrats on the new chin! He's a beaut!
♥ his color!
congratulations!!!! he is super cute :))

like others have said, watch his poops on the mazuri. i feed Rhino Oxbow pellets and am quite happy with the 'end result', hahaha! the cold switch you did is probably one of the best things to happen to this lil guy in his life, so don't worry that you did the wrong thing, quite the opposite!

hmmm..... a name....... what about Pi? goes with your user name, and since your lil guy is such a sweetie pie it might suit him. and if by chance you are a 'math nerd' (i use that term lovingly, lol) then it really fits :))
Switching him immediately off the crap food to the new food is fine. Just give him lots of hay and watch his poos to make sure they're not getting mushy and he's pooping regularly. Also, once he settles in just double check to make sure he's male. Sounds like he may not have come from the most knowledgeable source. Hope you have better luck this time around!
Thanks! He is a very cute little guy! :)) So far, his poop is fine.
Im not sure on the name still, I sure NOT a math nerd lol but Pi is cute.
I will keep thinking..I really want to have him named so I can start calling him by it.
I will get pics tomorrow of him :))