Getting My First Chins Tomorrow!

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2009
SLO, California
Well I was supposed to get my chins today, but the lady I'm getting them from was sick :( . So, I will be getting them tomorrow! Both are mosaics; I will post pictures when I can. If anyone is interested, I will post pictures of my (temporary) cage setup.
Anyone have any last-minute tips? Haha
Congratulations on your new chins!

Wow - Tips is hard, there is so much to cover! Just read the new chin owner section and ask questions if you have them. That's the best that I can tell you right off hand.

Looking forward to pictures!
Josh just make sure you got everything all set up at home for them and remember to give them time to settle. I know it will be hard to control no wanting to handle and interact with your first set of chins, but the less excitement the easier it will be for them to relax and settle in their new homes.
Congratulations on your new chin'kids! :thumbsup:

I haven't had my three for very long ....and I read and read and read again ..and when I still had questions, I asked here. There are a lot of helpful and knowledgeable folks on this forum, so don't be shy about asking questions. There are no "dumb questions" the saying goes :p

Good Luck!!
I know you must be so excited!:high5:

They may be skittish, so sit quietly by their cage, talking to them, and let them get used to you. Let them sniff your fingers and decide for themselves that you're safe :)

Don't overdo it on the treats; it will be tempting!:winkers:

After you get them, your questions will become much more specific, and we'll be able to help more.
If you can, have a water bottle full from their current water source so you can slowly introduce that they'll be drinking at your place. Mine went off his water for a couple of days after we brought him home, and all I could think of was that whatever he'd had at his first home (I think straight York Water Co. tap water) tasted different than our Brita filtered water. With our second, I added a little of our water to the 'old' water daily until I knew the little guy was drinking and then changed/filled as usual.
Can someone please tell me if they should be drinking filtered water? I haven't really thought about that...
Congrats!! The best advice I can give is to read this forum and ask questions. When you bring them home, give them some time to adjust to their new surroundings. Each time I brought a new chin home, I would sit in front of their cage and talk to them...I'd do this a few times each day so they'd get used to my presence.

Some say not to handle them too much for a few days, but I think it helps them get used to you. I handled all of mine...just held them for a minute or two, petting them and talking. I guess it all depends on the chin and how you want to handle them.

Good luck and I can't wait to see pics. BTW, I'd like to see a pic of the cage.

Edited to add....I use bottled water for my boys. I supposed filtered water would be ok too, but definitely don't use straight tap water.
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