Chinchilla Mommy
I have a FN 142 and I'm having issues with the fleece in my girls cage. The liners I made don't fit very well, so I use 1 liner plus I wrap the plastic tray with a yard of fleece. Even when I do my best to prevent her from moving it, she always pulls the liner up and gets on the yard of fleece. I'm planning on making liners that fit when I go back to California for Christmas (my bfs Mom has a sewing machine), but I'm afraid she'll just pull them up too and have direct access to the plastic tray. The single layer of fleece isn't very absorbent, so I'd rather her use a liner. Any suggestions? I'm wondering if she just doesn't like the puffiness of the liner, so I'm going to make it flatter this time (just 2 fleece sewn together, nothing in between). I was also thinking about using velcro, but I'm sure she'll be able to pull it up still (she's persistent).