Finally! Here he is.. my new baby Jet!

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SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Sandi, that is the most BEAUTIFUL baby chin I've every seen (shh... don't tell Latte). I know your precious CJ would be happy that you've given Jett his heart fleece. :heart5:

Laurie- no worries, he's going to have pleanty of room in his cage after I steal him on Saturday :thumbsup:
He is so... omgosh are there even words to describe? I love how he has the whitish marks around his nose!

Big congrats to you on him! Seeing all these babies makes me want one.
I think I just died ten times over. He is so precious! I also really like the name; it seems to fit him. Best of luck with the little guy!
Oh. My. Gravy.

Sooooooo adorable!!!!!

And he will look so cute jumping around his hearts fleece!!!!!

Thanks so much everyone :))! He's not barking at me as much today. He definitely looks good in red. ;))
I totally made an unknown squeaky noise when I saw him. I might steal him from you. Lol! Just kidding, but he's suuuper adorable!
OMG I've been fighting the urge for a super ebony baby! Your pictures will just have to suffice!
Thank you and he really loves his heart fleece house and tunnel, I grabbed another shot of him in it :heart3:

Sandi... You need to change your signature and add his name with the boys ;-)