Female Puberty

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Well-known member
May 23, 2012
I've been searching the threads to try to find out more about female puberty, but I haven't really seen much! My chin is almost 9 months old and I don't really know if she's hit puberty yet. She's always had her own little attitude, so it's hard to tell.
She will/has:
- eaten half of her hay/pellets/sticks - then dropped them
- rearranged her cage
- swatted me away when she doesn't want to be bothered
- grinds her teeth if she's annoyed
- will grunt sometimes like she's complaining
- & sometimes she "angry" popcorns ~ I don't know if this is something anyone else has experienced, sometimes if she's mad or I poke her butt & she doesn't like it she'll turn and glare at me and popcorn or wall surf angrily - she's also like angry wall surfed when she's out at playtime and wants to escape further than her designated area and I block her. She seems to have a little too much attitude to be just regular popcorning/wall surfing, lol.

If anyone could just let me know if there will be some major sign/way of knowing when she's going through it, that'd be really helpful! Also, this may be a really dumb question, but how will I know when she's in heat monthly? I guess I just want to be prepared and I felt like most of the threads talked about male chins, so sorry if this is repetitive and I just couldn't find the right answers.

Thanks! :)
Some females don't show any signs of anyone of it. Usually unless you check to see if a female is open you don't really tell if she's in heat or not.
Some females don't show any signs of anyone of it. Usually unless you check to see if a female is open you don't really tell if she's in heat or not.

Thanks! So there won't necessarily be any behavior changes?
Probably not. A lot of times the only behavior chances seen in females is change in attitude towards cage mates, since she's an only chin probably not something you'll see! :D
as far as the other behavior thats typical female chinattude. my girl is 5 years old and very mild for a female and she still does all the above. ^^ the really grumy girls will spray. most chins finish growing at a year to 18 months so i guess her teen years would end there.