Farrah Fawcett

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Mmm Helicobacter pylori..
Jan 29, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Did anyone watch her documentary on NBC tonight?

It was... amazing. I mean, her strength is incredible. After everything she's gone through, the pain you see her in.. and she's still giving it her all. It's so brave, and so commendable to me.

I think it's a great thing she is showing the world her fight. It puts a face to cancer. And it doesn't hold back a thing.

I can only hope her the best and extend that hope and prayers to everyone struggling with cancer.
I meant to record it. I read about it, but then I forgot to record the darn thing.

They weren't even expecting her to live to see it aired. I'm glad she got to see it through.
i watched it for a bit then fell asleep (had a migraine). is it posted anywhere online?? i would love to watch it.
Yes I watched most of it, and you are right. She has fought really hard to beat it, and it was quite sad when you saw her in pain. I hope she pulls through.

I heard about it but didn't watch it. Sounds quite amazing. I do cancer fundraising through Avon and her story would be a good one to promote for inspiration.
While the Farrah Fawcett story was airing on tv I was looking at my own face of cancer in my beautiful sister, as we sat for 5 hours in the emergency room. She had a fever of 102 and despite receiving IV fluids a day after her chemotherapy treatment she is weak and feverish.
I'm often torn with these types of things as it seems like more people care when it's someone famous who has cancer--and I say what about my beautiful sister? She's no Deana Favre or Farrah Fawcett or Christina Applegate, but she means so much more to me than them! But then I realize how we are a nation and we are a part of the famous and while it is usually a private matter to deal with the likes of Paul Newman, Patrick Swayze, Christina Applegate, Farrah Fawcett and even Deana Favre HAVE no choice with privacy as the paparazzi invade their lives.
Cancer is a terrible, horrible disease! I look now at Farrah and Patrick and my beautiful, beautiful sister and think why? why do you have to continue to suffer so much just to cling to a few more fleeting days? Lisa suffers so after chemo, she is in terrible pain, can't eat has no strength to eat or go out and do anything--she can barely walk as she is very unsteady. She is frail and just a shell of the vibrant woman she once was. Still I look at her and see my beautiful sister--my best friend; and I know Lisa Niemi, Patrick's wife, and Ryan O'Neal, Farrah's love see the same thing.
I have friends losing their grandparents to this awful disease and my heart breaks for them (Sasha and Stacie). I have friends suffering the same pain as I do while their loved one fights to hard to become cancer free (Shawna and Kim)
Someday I hope above all else they find a cure for all cancer. God be with you Farrah, and Patrick as I know he is with my beautiful sister and with all his children.
I know Laurie, and by no means was I taking that away from you and your sister with my post. You know my Opa won't let me see him, I don't see those "bad" faces of cancer. For those of us not touched by cancer, someone like Farrah sharing her story brings out more awareness about the disease. And she shows it all, which many of us who are even touched by cancer cannot see - the good and the very, very, bad...

I can only hope that through her story, through Lisa's story, that more awareness and research is brought into cancer treatment and one day we can beat this thing.
Was able to catch 1/2 of it this afternoon. She's so very brave. I never knew many of those personal traits about her. She's nothing like the public persona you read about in the tabloids.
I just finished watchin Farrah's story on MSNBC. It was difficult at times because it reminded me so much of my mom's story. She also survived 2 1/2 years after her diagnosis. Farrah said something at the end that I have always thought about. Why aren't there more studies for the lesser known cancers that are extremely deadly to woman? My mom had bladder cancer. Anal and bladder cancer are almost always terminal for woman.

Cancer is such a miserable, miserable disease. All cancers. I'm glad Farrah showed everything from beginning to almost the end. I sadly believe that one day EVERYONE will be touched by cancer in their life in some form. It is only a matter of time.
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I wanted to watch this, I'm sorry I missed it. Hope they'll play it again.
I missed it - but found it on Verizon and was able to DVR it - it's showing tonight again at 11 (eastern time) - I think on MSNBC and tomorrow on another channel.
I just saw that she passed. How very sad, but at least she is out of pain.
I just read that myself, I was going to post it.. She lost the battle, how sad.. At least she gave it a good fight.

