Esperanza and Maia

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I brought them home last night, Esperanza is on Baytril for 12 more days (When they opened her up they found some yellow stuff and her uterus wasn't looking healthy) and Meloxicam for four more. Maia did lose a little weight. She's down from 52 g to 46 g. She was at that yesterday too. Is there anything special that I need to do for her to keep her weight up? And Esperanza needs to be handfed every 4-6 hours, she's not off of her food yet, but with the baby, the surgery, and the possible infection, she needs it. Also, Maia is already climbing the cage and it worries me, she will climb it to the top and jump down (18 inches to 2 feet) and I don't want her to get hurt! They also said that the baby was much bigger than Maia. Since Maia was 52...I'd be guessing high fifties lower sixties for it's weight.

I don't have pictures was a long day! But I will have them tonight or tomorrow for sure!
Maybe rather than having a photo shoot, you should take care of the mother and kit. Photos are not important right now, keeping the mother and kit alive is.
Mikayla did they spay Esperanza? If she had an infection the best thing they could have done to get rid of the infection was to spay her. I would feed her every 4 hours and not 5 or 6. She had a very hard delivery with her kits and her body is quite weakened from that and also having to nurse. I am not a breeder but to me 6 grams is a lot of weight in a kit. If the baby continues to lose weight than I suggest hand feeding the baby as well. How big of cage are mom and baby in? It's very common for kits to climb up their cage and yes they climb and then fall. A small, short cage is what's best for mom and baby
I just wanted to ask breeders, I read on here that there was considered to be some doubt over using Baytril in nursing mothers, because of it being passed to the kits in the milk and potentially affecting bone growth. Presumably though this would be one of those cases where the benefits outweigh the risks, due to the severity of mum's infection, and her needing the strong antibiotic?
Here is one of the topics I meant:

I hope mum and baby are Ok.
Dawn, that was an unnecessary comment.

Laurie, yes they did spay her, and if Maia gets below 44 grams, we are going to supplement/handfeed her also.

Amp, I aked they vet about that and they said it would be fine, that's what I thought too.
Its my opinion and I can voice it, a photo shoot of a recently spayed Mom who had a dead kit stuck inside her for hours and her last living kit just does not seem like a priority to me, if you think so then that is sad.
Mikayla, you need to understand that the chinchillas/hedgehogs are first priority to the members of this forum, whether it's their animal or not. No one is going to be taking your feelings into consideration if they feel that the animal is in danger in any way possible.

And I am not saying that your a bad chin mom, but I also believe that life and health take priority instead of pictures.

Although once every one is healthy and stable I'm sure that everyone would be more than happy to see how every one is doing, maybe until then you should just keep everyone updated on how they are both doing through text and later update with pictures.

However, it would also be nice if you would stop avoiding some questions that we are asking and answer them so that way we know that everyone will be okay.
Other members please correct me if I am wrong but waiting until Maia to lose 8 grams before hand-feeding her is quite a lot of weight in young kits.
If I were you I would start hand-feeding now at least until she starts to gain back the weight she has lost.

As for the cage I have the same question as Laurie and would like to know the dimensions of the cage Esperanza and Maia are in now since the falls from 18 inches to 2 feet do worry me.
I, too, am concerned about the amount of weight that little Maia has lost. I would start supplementing her now. 8 grams is just too much for a new kit to loose. The cage height concerns me, too.
She's gained back two grams already in a day, as I said, if she gets below 44 grams I am going to start supplementing, this is what the veterinarian said to do.

Sorry, I forgot to add the cage is just a breeding run, I think it might be home made. I'll have to get dimensions later.

And, since when did I say a was going to do a 'photoshoot'? Assuming things like that is just rude. I was going to take a few pictures of Maia and Anza. You think that after I feed them that I don't have time to take out my camera? I want pictures of Esperanza and Maia for myself, that is not priority by any means. I just figured that if I was going to take them I might as well share them

Lastly, asking me any question that you want. I am not avoiding them. Ask me point blank what they are and I'll answer. But I can't think of one question asked the I purposely avoided.

I'd appreciate it greatly if people would answer my questions and not give any comments not answering my questions. This is to stop further arguments from starting.
Mikayla - you need to be handfeeding regardless of further weight loss - kits should not be allowed to nurse on a mother taking baytril. That means you need to be feeding every 2 hours round the clock in addition to the handfeeding of the mother. I would change vets because obviously they are not as knowledgeable as they should be. Just because he/she is a vet does not mean they are chinchilla knowledgeable.

Again, just for your reference, the question you have repeatedly not answered in other threads is WHY ARE YOU BREEDING??
Point blank, why are you breeding. You avoided this question many times. This is a forum, you post you get opinions and comments, and you cannot tell anyone what to say or not say as long as it does not break the rules of the forum. And then you use the report button since there is no self policing.
I am breeding because I enjoy chinchillas and I strive to better the species.

By the way, I personally don't want to be asked questions. I don't care about anyone else.
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By the way, I personally don't want to be asked questions. I don't care about anyone else.

I'm confused. You said you are open to answering questions, yet in this statement you said you don't want to be asked questions?
Also, have you been to a show and have your chins you are breeding been shown? Have they at least been graded by someone who knows what they are looking for? That is what I am asking, how are you bettering the species by breeding your chinchillas, how do you know?
Yes I have been to shows. Esperanza was a first place chin from a very respected breeder. And Stormy was from a breeder that is active on this forum. My other chin was a mistake, I admit to that, and she will never be bred again.

I am doing the best I can to better the species.

Essentia-sorry, I meant to say comments. My bad :)

Edit: I just finished feeding. Maia is up from last night when she was 48 and now she is back up to 52 grams. And Anza is up from yesterday morning when she was at 582 and now she's at 601 grams.
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Fair enough, I think in the future if you are more open to forum members and answer the questions honestly and quickly you will get better feedback and not be considered a BYB, which members who are cagey and secretive are labled. Good luck with Mom and kit, I hope they do well and thrive.
I'm glad both weights are on the rise! I hope mama chin and baby chin keep doing well and are bouncing around together soon :)
Fair enough, I think in the future if you are more open to forum members and answer the questions honestly and quickly you will get better feedback and not be considered a BYB, which members who are cagey and secretive are labled. Good luck with Mom and kit, I hope they do well and thrive.

Thanks, I don't mean to be close off, but I am naturally closed off to most people about most things. Thanks! I'll keep everyone updated about Anza and Maia.
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