Do they like the dark?

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Mar 8, 2010
Danville, NH
I am so excited to welcome my very first chin as of this Tuesday! It has been very exciting and Archimedes has taken to his new home well. I sort of did a search and it may be a silly questions but, do chins like the dark? Is it okay to leave them without a light (since they are nocturnal animals?) or would they prefer to have a little light? Thanks!
I have little nightlights in the chin rooms...but those are mainly for me so I don't break my toes at night when they summon me when I am half asleep. You can leave them without a light...they do alright at night, but they like having a little light during the day.
Technically they are crepuscular. They are awake at dawn and dusk, and sleep through the night. Although, nobody bothered to tell my chins that. Oye.

Mine have natural light during the day and lights out at night. I sleep with a flashlight by my side, so if I need to check anything I just grab that.
Mine are asleep at 11 am and start waking up about 30 minutes after the sun goes down. :D The flashlight is a good theory. I am half asleep or more than half asleep at 3 am when someone makes such a racket that I have to get up, I'd never remember the flashlight. :D
I leave one on for my chins and they seem to like it...but Ive also has them in the dark before and they seem to like that too. I think its really whatever your preference may be..:)
One of my chins, Winnie, is a scaredy cat.
When I turn off the chinnie room light at night (when I go to bed), sometimes he'd bark nonstop. After awhile, he'd stop barking. Sometimes I leave a nightlight on, sometimes I don't. Chins should see fine in the dark.
One of my chins prefers the dark MUCH more than the other. As soon as the lights go out at night, he runs on his wheel with what can only be described as a huge smile on his face.
Mine likes to have a little light. Her cage is next to the window so I leave the blinds cracked open for her. I think she likes to look out at the world when I am sleeping. If I close the blinds she barks. So Miss Shelly always has light.
I don't have lights on at night, there is a window in the room so I open the blinds at night so its lite by a little moon light.

BamBam and Domo sleep all the time, I swear! They are still sleeping when I go to bed around 10 or 11 and are sleeping when I get up at 6am. It used to be more peaceful for them before Spyro and Kiwi came along and I put them on top of the FN.. they start carrying on starting around 6 or 7pm and are still running on their chin spin or bouncing around when I wake up.