CHINZILLA lived up to her name...

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I got up to go to the bathroom and what do I find on my way? Chinzilla ON TOP OF HER CAGE rather than in it! She's currently housed in a homemade cage that is actually quite great. However, I knew there was a little gap in between the wires at the top where the cage door meets the roof. It looked impossible to get through and I truly never worried about it, but she managed!

Even as I was mending the cage, she recreated her escape act twice (but to no avail because I was there), which included a 2' vertical climb up the wire door. Poor girl had trouble getting out as evidenced by the fur slip...kinda makes me feel like a bad mommy even though I really thought it was safe. Other than the fur slip, all seems well. It really appeared that she had only been out for a minute and I think all she managed to do was take a sand bath since that was sitting on top of the cage.

For the record, it's well mended now and I also am in the process of trying to acquire either a ferret nation or a really suitable double parrot cage to house my two girls.
ha...that'll show you to under estimate a chin!!!

yea, chins can manage to anything they put their cute lil heads to...
at least she was safe and sound!!!
Was the "Mission Impossible" theme playing somewhere in the background? :rofl:

I am glad you got her back safe and well - I'm sure they could rival Houdini with their ability to escape what we humans consider "escape-proof". :thinking:
It is amazing what they can get through. Although, if you have ever seen a wet chin, they are pretty tiny without all that fur! (I saw a video once of a man who lets his chinchilla swim and play outside on a leash, that is how I know!)
That's why I call Specter 'the Squisher' - you wouldn't believe the spaces she can fit through when she's determined!
Little stinker, glad you found her before she made her way to more mischief!
I have a chin that can get herself under doors like you wouldn't believe. I had to start shoving towels under doors during playtime.
They really are little escape artists!

For the record, I saw that you said that she might've took a sand bath, but sand is actually unsuitable for chins. Dust, such ad Blue Cloud or Blue Sparkle should be used.

Chinchilla sand is too coarse and is not fine enough to get down into the fur and soak up any oils.
lol! what a little stinker! i just hope Temp never escapes...if he's not in his play room i'd never catch him!
Yeah, I have a few that do that...but it's typically RIGHT after I've cleaned my apartment, so as soon as I realize someone is missing I tear it apart. But that's not the only time: Orville did it when I was out of town for 11 days and scared the crap out of the family that was watching them; Fluffers did it when I was gone on an overnight trip; Starlight escaped and I couldn't find her and she was sleeping beside Georgie (a massive rabbit). Starry was housed in the living room, where Georgie's cage is, and she had just had her leg amputated. She was VERY small when she came to me, and I really didn't consider that she could squeeze through areas normal chins couldn't. But all was well! So yeah, I've had plenty of escape artists.
Misty and Tilly got out while I was out of state and my fiance was watching them. They got in the kitchen, and left poops all around the sink and my counters... not to mention under the couch and recliner.

I was just lucky they didn't chew any cords, or get hurt.
It really appeared that she had only been out for a minute and I think all she managed to do was take a sand bath since that was sitting on top of the cage.
You're lucky you don't have dust or pee all over your room. I had one chinchilla escape for no more than an hour and he dusted my room and peed on every side of his least favorite male's cage. What a pain!
My chin did the same thing! Climbed up a 4 story cage to escape by a little crack. [I had went into the other room to get them water] AND BAM Dusty was at the top of the cage. Thankfully he doesn't like jumping from it, then I would have been in trouble!
Last night I was cleaning out all my chinchillas (three cages; they're kept in our finished basement) and while I was cleaning out the girls', one of them somehow squeezed through the gate I had set up. When I went looking for her, she was hopping up the stairs!

I called her name and she just turned around and looked at me, as if to say, "What's the hold up?"
I guess I'm just lucky mine are attention hogs! of the very times I've had one get out they seem to make a point of announcing it. I even had one crawl into bed with me almost as if to say "Look Ma! I got out all by myself! Can we play now?"
Gus did that back when I had my first homemade cage. I went away for an overnight birthday celebration and arrived home from a long drive at 4 am. Of course, the first thing I do is go check on my critters -- No Gus!

At this point I was pretty upset because I have a cat with all her claws. I resigned myself to looking for my chinchilla's chewed-up body, but went to lock the cat up first and noticed there was no blood on her, so that gave me hope. After an HOUR of looking, I peaked under my bed for what must have been the 10th time...and there's Gus, sitting there chilling as happy as a clam! No fur slips or anything. And he was NOT there the first 9 time I looked...little bugger! I ordered a Ferret Nation the next day.