chins is bloated, need help **** urgent

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
my chin is around 10years old,girl,desex

Last week, i found her not eating,not drinking, and no faeces, then i took her to vet asap.
the vet said the intestines is moving slowly
the vet gave some medicine, and need to feed critial care
1~2days later, my chin got some faeces, but small..
3~4days, got more faeces, seems recover, but still small, sometimes had few faeces we bigger but not many.

Monday I took my chin to revisit the vet,
GI tract is full of gas, and the vet said the intestines move a bit faster but still slow.
vet said stop the Baytril and gave me some other medicine
now, the medicine are Prepulsid, Temgesic, protexin, metacam, infacol
vet alredy told me, if chin got bloat, they might easliy gone
Monday night i cannot feed my chin, i thought she might feel painfull, and because went out to the vet, she felt tired.
i could not sleep well, yesterday morning , her weight drops
i think that might becasuse she ate less on monday,
and i took her to vet again, vet took a xray, can see that, her GI tract is full of gas, especially her stomach
vet told me he could not help for this case, coz my chin is old, we can still feed her critital care + medicine, but not promise she can recover, so he suggest if she become wrost, I can take her back for her to leave peace

for now , i do what i can do, but just want to know , is there any way I can help her
i find some information from here

a chin with bloat will need to stay in a single level cage by himself, with some cloth (no strings, fringe or loose weave) or fleece to rest on and cuddle up to. We saw a chin with bloat jump from only about a foot high and it ruptured his stomach. This was lethal needless to say, and having other chins jumping and jostling around the affected chin would greatly increase his gastrointestinal discomfort. Keep the chin's stress levels low by providing a variety of chew toys and relocating his cage to a quieter part of the house, where he can watch some TV or listen to soft music.

i alredy give her a cloth for sleep, because she always like sleep on cloth,
here also write, cannot let a chin with bloat jump ,but can i let her walk and round, will this hurt her stomach???

also, important things, she wont eat hays by herself, that's why i need to feed her critial care, should i feed her pellets? is Metamucil usefull for this case? my fd ask me to try
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Your chin has developed bloat and the G.I. tract is slowing down, but not completely in stasis yet as she is still producing some feces. This is a very dangerous situation though and you will need to keep working to bring her out of it.

Was gas the only thing seen in the X-ray? Did the vet mention a blockage also? If there was no blockage, you just need to continue treatment. Bloat and G.I. stasis can be a huge hurdle to overcome. It takes a lot of work and slow steps but with patience and dedication, you may be able to get her G.I. tract moving normally once again. If there is a blockage, treatment may help if your chin is well-hydrated. If not, the blockage will become a hard mass which cannot be removed without surgery (and these types of surgeries are very risky).

Your chin needs help removing the gas from her digestive tract. The Infacol you were given has simethicone which will help gas to be expelled. It is very safe and your chin can be given one dropperfull every few hours. If your chin is up to it, short periods of light exercise can help encourage movement in the digestive tract. Tummy massages in a downward circular motion will also help to move gas through the intestines for expulsion.

The Temgesic and Metacam your vet gave you are for pain management. I don't have any experience with Temgesic with chinchillas but I don't think it is safe... Temgesic is a opiod which functions similar but lasts longer to morphine. The Metacam is safe to use with chinchillas.

The Propulsid is to keep your chinchilla's lower G.I. tract moving (it increases peristalsis). This will be very helpful. You may want to ask your vet if Reglan will also be helpful in this case. Reglan (metaclopramide) is another motility drug that keeps the upper G.I. tract moving.

Protexin is a probiotic which should help replenish your chinchilla's "good bacteria" which helps chins to digest their food. This is safe to use as well.

I am assuming your chin is still not eating so you will have to handfeed her Critical Care every few hours. If she is not drinking, you may have to give her additional water through a dropper. It is very important she stays hydrated! If she is dehydrated, you may also want to ask your vet about subcutaneous fluids. With her intestines most likely irritated, she may not be absorbing all the water she takes in.

I would keep her confined to a small cage with paper towels so I can monitor her feces and urine. Also, she should have pellets and hay available at all times just in case her appetite begins to return. You will still have to handfeed though until she is fully eating on her own.

ETA: Here is a link to a thread about G.I. stasis treatment: It should be very helpful in planning your handfeeding/medication/massage routine.
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the vet said there isnt any blockage from the xray.

for Metacam , my friend told me it night hurt kidney, my chin Ke urine everyhour, is that because of Metacam?
Metacam is 0.03ml 1drop per day
Temgesic is 0.05ml 1drop per day
infacol is 0.5ml 1 drop per day
Propulsid is 1/4 tablet per day
Metoclopramide 0.3ml 3 drops per day (forgot to write this in my last post)

infacol and propulsid is feeded 3 days, but seems, the air in her GI system is still a lot.
critial care, i feed her every hours with small amount, i afraid if i feed too much per time, she cannot feel well
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Metacam can cause kidney problems if used long-term. If just being used to treat her current ailment, I do not think it will be detrimental.

For some reason, I can't find much information on the Infacol. Here in the US, we have Mylicon brand which makes the infant gas drops. If Infacol has the same ingredients as Mylicon, you should be able to increase the dosage you are giving to your chinchilla. I do not think 1 drop of simethicone drops would be enough to bind up all the gas. With the Mylicon drops, it is safe to give one full dropper at a time, every few hours.

I wouldn't use Metamucil. Critical Care is high in fiber and is the best food medium for her to be eating.

ETA: How much Critical Care do you feed to her at each sitting? How much total per day?
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thanks a lot, i read the url you gave me, but the xray (my chin) the gas is more than the one in the url

i will try to feed more infacol to her

now reading the url you gave me
critical care, before i know she got bloat, i gave her about 40
Monday i know she got bloat, and she seems painfull and didnt want to eat a lot (maybe because we took her out to vet, she feel tired) that day she only ate about 15
yesterday, we took her to vet again, she also eat less, (my parents weak up last night at 4:30am, my chin jump up to the 2nd level of her cage..) so i feed her some. i think about 15~20

this mornig till now, the total i feed is about 15, i will keep going to feed her as more as i can, but she refuse to eat, i donnot know what i can do

for infacol, i find infomation from here
Are those numbers in mL? If she is not eating any food on her own, you will need to feed her more Critical Care. I would aim for around 10 mL or more at each feeding.

Do you know how much she weighs?
yes, that is in ml
on monday her weight is 625
yesterday is 605
this morning is 591
so i said, i try to feed her more as i can today,this morning feed around 15, will keep to feed her
i try to feed her at more times but less ml each time, if feed her too much, i afraid her stomach will get painfull?
few miniutes ago just try to feed her and give her massage, but she really wants go back to cage, just give her 4ml critial care, and some medicine, i cannot hold her for long time and she want to back to cage, cannot give her many massage
this afternoon, i can see her poops is less then yesterday, i understand this means not good to her,
still trying to give feed her, give her massage, warm compress and free run.
but she won't run a lot, and want to go back to her cage
and i give her massage, cannot be long time, she also want to back to her cage,
i understand i should give her enough run and massage, but it is hard to do, she go back to her cage very fast, i block the way to ler her run more, but she don't want to do so...
you need to burrito her (wrap her completely in a towel) and force the food in her from the side of her mouth. Don't allow her back into her cage until she eats. She has to have the belly massage, make her 'stand for it' - it is esstential. She doens't want all this treatment but it is for her own good. My vet recommend mylanta because it is stronger than the baby gas drops and works better. I don't know if one of the meds. is reglan but the chin really should be on that also since there is no sign of a blockage. Someone else will have to tell you if one of the meds. is actually reglan using the medical term for it.
thanks any way, i will try to give her more massage tonight
actually i alredy wrap her with towel, but she still try to leave
her poops are less then yesteryday... i do not know the treatment, the medicine can help or not, but from the artical in the 1st page, i understand this may need long time
but my chin is qutie old, about 10years old, i understand, she might cannot be recover..
I just wanted to wish you and your chinchilla the best, you are doing a wonderful job with her care. She is very lucky to have you for her owner. I really hope she can recover.
yes she is old but with luck and your constant care she can live another 5 years or more. Just keep up the good work and don't let her 'rule' you because you are the one who knows whats best for her. Don't give up on her yet.
i may not a good owner, coz maybe i should bring her to visit another vet at a earlier time, but no body knows, if i bring her to visit another vet, it can help or not?
this morning i tried to book another vet, but it was totally full until next week..( in hong kong, it;s coming a public holiday - chinese new year)

but anyway, thanks for your words

chin can suddenly because wrost, this might need to be very carefull to her.

this afternoon and toight i give her warm compress, tummy rub, syringe feed, warm compress, tummy rub, hope she feel better
even i still cannot see some poops out from her, just see a few poops not more then 10
she is now sleeping on my mum's chest with the warm compress
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just got her from my mother and i gave my chin some massage
strange, she didnt Struggl a lot, an hour before i gave her massage, she quite struggle, this time i feel she seems not good,after i gave her massage, i asked my mother to hold her for sleep and give her warm compress again
You are doing all that you can. I'm sure she feels well loved. Be sure she is not overheating on the warm compress.
I also think you are doing all you can - you are not a bad chin parent. Just keeping trying to get food into her and rub her lower tummy - first in small circles, then down toward her anus (hopefully to get the bowels moving). As for the burrito, if she is getting loose, you need to wrap the towel tighter so she can't get her legs out and upper part of the towel is up under her chin. You can expect to have food all over her chin and face and maybe you - most of it will get into her. Good luck, you are doing great
weak up at 3am this morning, she wake up also
then i feed her some critial care, some warm compress and massge
i saw few poops this time, not many about 3-4, small and dry, i gave her some water

at 7am, i wake up and feed her again
but this time it's hard to feed her, struggle a lot, eventhough with a towel to tight her
after feeding her, give her warm compress again, but still try to back to home..i try to give her stroke, let her feel warm and peace, but still stuggle and want to back home
after the warm compress, i gave her massage, again she struggle
this time i only saw 1-2 poops, a bit dry also, i gave her some water
now she is sleeping in her cage with the warm compress, hope she feel good
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