Chinnie cookies?

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Jul 5, 2009
Not really sure where to put this request, though since it's for a chinchilla treat, it probably falls under nutrition.
Anyway, I really prefer to create most things for my chinnie that I can, which includes sewing things for her. But while browsing the forums and shops, I've noticed that many people talk about chinnie cookies. As much as I'd love to order them, I'm still in the rut of wanting to make these things myself. If anyone would be willing to share (or even sell, though they'd need to accept paypal) the recipe to make enough for one chinchilla, I would be VERY grateful! I know this might sound horrible, but please don't bash on me for asking this.
[But if I end up making some horrid thing, I'll have to order them anyway, I suppose.]
I make home made chinnie cookies but I don't really have a reciper, per se.

I start with a can of unseasoned pumpkin puree. Then I add some oat flour to make it cookie batter consistancy. I put in a dash of blackstrap molasses. Then I mix in whatever I want in them, like rolled oats, whole oats, barley, flax seeds. Then I drop chinnie sized cookies onto a cookie sheet. I can usually fit about 50 on a cookie sheet. Each cookie about the size of a nickel or so. Then I bake them at 200 degrees until they are dry and hard.

Do not overdue the add ins or the cookies will be crumbly as there won't be enough of the dough to hold them together. I store them in the freezer and feed the cookies to the girls a couple times a week.

Okay. Now you can send $250 to my paypal account to use this recipe. :))
lol...........its like the neiman marcus cookie recipe!!

i have made a few cookies, similar to above. the only other thing i have used is their crushed up pellets to hold some consistancy. you can also use baby food squash if you cant find the pumpkin.
but i have also ordered cookies from several people here, one was hay based and one was more cookie liked and my chins love them all. since everyone makes them differently, you can offer your chins variety. its fun to make them stuff and i also like top support our members. usually when i am ordering something, i see what else they have to offer and try at least one new thing!
My chins love all cookies I've ordered from people on here, in particular the cookies I got from Crysta..her screenname is Essentia..they loved them I would suggest trying hers.
I make home made chinnie cookies but I don't really have a reciper, per se.

I start with a can of unseasoned pumpkin puree. Then I add some oat flour to make it cookie batter consistancy. I put in a dash of blackstrap molasses. Then I mix in whatever I want in them, like rolled oats, whole oats, barley, flax seeds. Then I drop chinnie sized cookies onto a cookie sheet. I can usually fit about 50 on a cookie sheet. Each cookie about the size of a nickel or so. Then I bake them at 200 degrees until they are dry and hard.

Do not overdue the add ins or the cookies will be crumbly as there won't be enough of the dough to hold them together. I store them in the freezer and feed the cookies to the girls a couple times a week.

Okay. Now you can send $250 to my paypal account to use this recipe. :))

...$250, seriously? D: I only have around $100 in my paypal.