Chin will not take dust bath

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Well-known member
May 25, 2011
My friend recently got a new chinchilla. She is a first time chin owner. She has had him for about two weeks and can not get him to take a dust bath. She has let him check it out on his own and she has set him in it and he wants nothing to do with it except to get out. Does any one har any ideas as to how to help her get him to take a bath. I have never had any problems with any of my chins. They always loved bath time. Thank you in advance.
How old is the chin? Was it from a breeder? Was it weaned too soon possibly?

Until he gets comfortable with the dust bath, your friend can try rubbing dust into his fur manually. I would lay a towel across my lap, hold the chin firmly by the tail (tight up against his butt, NOT near the tip) so he's secure, then trickle some dust all over his fur and gently massage it in.

Chins generally learn from watching mom dust, so it's kind of hard to show them how unless you have another chin. Hopefully if you continue to dust him manually, he'll get interested enough to try it on his own.
He was from a breeder and the breeder said that he has been dust bathing since he was 5 days old. He was I think like 6-7 weeks when she got him.

He was born on April 5.
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What kind of dust are you using? He may not like the kind if its different than he's used to. I know I tried Blue Sparkle and I had one chin that wouldnt touch it.
I'm going to the breeders Sunday to pick up my new chin. I'll ask her what kind of dust she uses and maybe get some to bring home for my friend to try. Thanks.
isnt 6-7 weeks a bit young to be rehomeing a baby chin? they havnt relay had time to be weaned or be on their own much.
A little young yes... when I was breeding mine stayed at least eight weeks... sometimes longer. I did have a set of twins I had to wean at 4 weeks, and a couple I had to wean at 6 weeks, but I like them to be on their own and sure they are doing ok before I actually sell them...
Some chins won't dust when they are being watched, especially new skittish ones. I would put the dust in his cage (in a bowl or bath house) and let him be for 30 min.
My mosaic I bought from them was born April 21 & I'll pick her up Sunday June 5. So she won't be eight weeks yet. When I made the deposit on my chin they gave me a date to pick her up. I'll give her the message to put it in his cage and leave him be for a while. I did tell her that by doing it out of his cage he is probably too excited and interested in everything else other than the dust.
I have one chin that I have to dust like tunes suggests.

I've tried leaving the bowl, going through a variety of dusting containers, etc....In a last ditch effort I'm switching dust once I'm out of what I currently have....