chi chi and her sock addition & the evil airplans

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
My husband throws his socks all over the house. Recently its near chi chi's cage. She had decided she loves his socks. She pulls them in her cage and sleeps on them. When I put my hand in the cage to take the sock out she will run to the sock and bite and pull on it giving me a small tug of war trying to keep her socks. LOL She has done this about 4 times already. LOL

Second. I live about 1 mile from the navel base. They are soon to do there blue angel show on the 23rd. So they are doing lots of practice. The jets are REALLY loud. The last show they did was shaking the plates that are hung on my wall. Chi Chi does NOT like the jets. Every time one passes by the house she starts to bark and jump around her cage like mad. So next weekend she will be VERY p-ed off from 9 am to 4 pm on the 23-24th
I don't have a video cam. But ill take pics and post. She only does tug of war with the sock
here is just a cute one i took today of her naping. I tried to take one closer with the door open but she woke up and jumped out to check out what i was doing.

I didn't know if it would be safe to let her keep it. She doesn't chew on. She just likes to sleep on it. And gets upset when i take it away from her. From all the places to sleep ( fleece tunnel, hammock, hiding house with fleece pillow. ) and she wants to sleep on a sock
perhaps you could get your hubby to sleep with a piece of fleece or carry one in his pocket then toss it over her way? Perhaps it's his smell she is finds comforting