Bailey and Winx are in here, it's a QC with baby safe wiring (don't ask why there are two males in here, haha). [Bailey's the mosaic in the picture; the beige is Moki, this is before we switched up cagemates]. This cage now has several more shelves, an additional hammock up at the top, and some more bird perches for the chins' chewing pleasure.
Toby and Moki are in here, it's a modified Superpet cage. It looks a little different than this picture, now there are two shelves and the hammock's in a different spot, but you get the idea [that's my boy Winx in the pic]
Jinx is in here. She's the only chin that never switches cages cause she's my mom's chin...
Here's Fuzzy's cage. Before I got him, he broke his pelvis and it healed wrong, so I custom-made the cage with less room between shelves for him...he never changes cages either... There are more chews in here now, and a hidey house. This cage also now has a pan *happy dance*. [man, I just realized all these pictures were taken right when I got all these cages, not now when they've all been more decked-out]