Boys Vs. Girls

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Apr 20, 2011
Hello every one. I will be going to a rescue next weekend to hopefully find my soulchin/chinnies. :bliss: My question is, are there any typical personality differences in males vs. females? I am a former rat owner, and with rats, girls tend to be more hyper and runners, where the guys tend to be more love bugs and snuggly. Of course, every animal has their own way about them, and not all fall into "gender stereotypes" Any insight to this in the chinnie world? Thanks!
For us, our males tend to be more affectionate, and calmer. Our females are a bit more jumpy, and may nip, where the males never bite. I'm sure there are exceptions to this rule, but this is our experience.
i have all boys. the only experience i have had with girls is petsitting & my current rescue. she is evil but coming around. the ones i have petsat were sweethearts alone but put them near another female and they were also evil.

i prefer the boys. but then again i have all human baby boys and tend to get along with boys better in general! ;)
They're really about the same. Go with whatever chin you like the best. Individual personality is the most important thing...the gender or color doesn't mean very much compared to the way a chin behaves and how well he or she will do in your home!

If you really had to generalize with chins, the boys are more active and the girls can be more moody. Still, they aren't different enough to say that either will make a better pet.
i have 2 girls and no boys. i loove my girls lots. One is a little moody wiht everyone but me. Both my girls are very sweet though and would NEVER EVER bite someone. allthough they love nibble me all the time! ;)
I only have experiene with my girls, and both are really sweet. They are both active and love to run around. My one girl will sit in your hands calmly for as long as you hold her though. She's great about allowing people to pet her and not trying to jump off. Both also come over to the fronts of the cages when someone walks by and love being scratched. I think in your case I'd be more concerned with how old the chin is and how socialized they've been in their pasts. I think those factors are going to come into play more than gender. Either way, enjoy your new fur friend(s) and post lots of pictures!
I can't seem to see a difference. My boys (or boy) cuddle with me just as much as my girls. But past boys wouldn't cuddle and past girls wouldn't cuddle either. I think it's entirely up to the chin.
Thank you! We are just going to wait and see which chin/s that we seem to bond with the most. I am not set on any gender or color was just curious if there wee an "text book" differences. I'm just so excited to be getting any at all!!