Blue sparkle or blue cloud

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Well-known member
May 25, 2009
I've been using blue sparkle dust since i got my chinchillas.. im running out of dust and was contemplating trying blue cloud.
Does the blue cloud clean better than the blue sparkle or is it the same with just sparkles? I ask because my chinchillas get greasy so fast, i give them a bath like 4 times a week.. they ARE always cuddling and it messes their hair up until they shake their hair, maybe that contributes to the added grease, if i go two days with no bath, they will look so greasy..If the blue cloud cleans better, i am going to try that this time.
IMO, blue cloud cleans better. This is also what I have heard from several long time ranchers. I know a lot of ranchers that use blue sparkle for their breeders to save a little but of money, but I also know a few ranchers that use blue cloud 100% because they tried blue sparkle and were not satisfied with how it cleans. I use 100% blue cloud and have no problem paying a little extra to give better quality to all of my animals.
thanks.. i'll get some blue cloud then! I dont mind the bath every two days but after not even a day after a bath they're both greasy again.
I've heard that blue sparkle has mica in it so everything actually will be sparkly. However I've heard blue cloud is better as well and that's what we use too. Besides my husband would hate a sparkly house.
Heard a rumor that petco now has blue cloud...

I heard a rumor on another forum that the new Petco brand dust is actually blue cloud dust now. Def. might make it easier to get if you cant find blue cloud.
I use blue cloud and IMO it cleans the best. Blue sparkle does leave the chins looking sparkly which I don't really like. I order blue cloud from Ryerson's and they always ship really quickly :)
Blue Cloud cleans much better. That said, I have two chins here that just can't do Blue Cloud. They get a very watery eye from it. I switched them to Blue Sparkle and haven't had an issue since. The rest of the chins here still use Blue Cloud.
I think the general consensus seems to be that Blue Cloud is a better dust though Blue Sparkle is still one of the best, especially over the options regularly found in pet stores. I just ordered 15lbs from Ryerson's and it was a pretty good deal since it already included shipping!
I have always used Blue Cloud, but I was at Ryersons yesterday and Jan showed me a handful of both kinds. I rubbed each between my fingers and really could not tell much of a difference. I think I may get a bag of the blue sparkle next time and try it.
I've tried both, and like Blue Sparkle better. Cloud feels grittier to me...

I kind of like how they sparkle for a bit afterwards. : )
Blue Sparkle doesn't bother my allergies as much. I have used both Blue Cloud and Blue Sparkle, haven't really noticed a difference in my chins other than they obviously sparkle like Edward Cullen after a Blue Sparkle dust. :D
sparkle like Edward Cullen after a Blue Sparkle dust



actually someone offered to pick up a 50lb bag of either and i may switch to the blue sparkle...........always used blue cloud but i like sparkles!! ;)
Blue cloud also bothers my allergies, so I've tried Blue Sparkle and I didn't see much of a difference. I agree I didn't mind the sparkles, they're kind of nice :)
I'm going to try Sweet PDZ soon since I can buy it locally for really cheap, and see if it will actually clean them and hopefully reduce my allergies!