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My hedgie Gibson keeps biting me. He never used to bite me, but now every time I play with him, he bites me, and its been hard enough to open the skin a few times. Im not handling him any differntly, so what would cause such strange behavior? And what can I do to encourage him to stop. I say "No" but what else could I do?
Well hedgehogs arent like children as much as we would love to think they are.. so they will not respond to "No" Unless you are screaming like a lunatic enough to scare him into a ball..

Biting when its not a normal behavior can mean a few different things. Is is possible he is injured? How old is he? Can he be quilling? Are you putting him away right away after getting bit? He could just be telling you he wants to be put down and thats what you have been doing in the past(putting him away) so to get you to put him away he bites.. Is it possible that you have the smell of food on your hands and he is looking for a snack?

Watch for the warning signs.. Most hedgies give that tell tale.. lick lick lick nibble CHOMP! When you feel the licking remember that is not cute and pull away whatever skin they are licking.. or get ready to be bit if you cant get it away.

If you have ruled out all the above and realize its a behavior change there are somethings you can do to try and get him to not bite. There is one.. keeping skin away from his mouth.. If its not there he cant bite it. There are some people that have mentioned blowing in their face with a puff of air.. Negative reinforcement.. If they associate the puff of air with biting and they dont like it they wont do it.. There are some other ways that I have read but I believe they are a bit more harsh.

Maybe someone who has been able to stop biting in their hedgehog will come around and share their wisdom!

Just remember... Anything with teeth has the potential of biting. This maybe something that will not go away. I just never let my guard down. I always expect to get bit.
Are you doing anything differently than before?

For example, I used a different lotion one morning and mine chomped me big time 12 hours later and wouldn't let up. Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp... I had to hand her to hedgiedaddy and then she was fine. Tried the lotion again a week later just to see... you guessed it... chomp, chomp, chomp... Didn't break the skin, but the bruises lasted a few days.
I read somewhere that it can be the equivalent of saying "No!", in hedgehog, but mine bites me when I pick her up.
She's a grump-hog though, but I am being very careful with her...

I came to this thread for help, myself. o.o
Like Melissa said, anything with teeth has the potential to bite. I admit that I'm not always completely careful around my hogs and sometimes I get bit. I'm more wary of my boy than I am the two girls, but that's beside the point. What I found works the very best when you're getting bitten is to stay completely calm and quiet, and not react at all. Don't say anything because you might scare the hog more and just wait until the bite lets up. Don't pull or shake your hand because they might bite harder to latch. I know it hurts, but they'll let go more quickly if you stay nice and still.
Like Melissa said, anything with teeth has the potential to bite.

I learned that recently with my ball python! He's going through a biting stage right now.

Hedgehog bites are nothing compared to a snake latching on to you and constricting your wrist and fingers! But I don't blame him. He's an animal and doing what animals do.

I just say, get used to this behaviour and learn to see the warning signs.
Btw, there were no warning signs with my snake. He was content, had been fed a couple of days prior and knows my scent very well. But hedgehogs give you that warning sniff, huff or lick!
oh geeze my hedgie just bit me so hard last night, harder than ever and wouldnt let go. Man I saw *stars* Drew some serious blood and left bruises. I found out she was hungry. somehow she must have seriously pigged out last night and eaten everything. For me she was chomping and pulling on y fleece nightgown - I figured she was making a bed - until suddenly CHOMP on my poor widdle finger! and there was no lick lick NOM warning either.

I feel the pain too :)
oh geeze my hedgie just bit me so hard last night, harder than ever and wouldnt let go. Man I saw *stars* Drew some serious blood and left bruises. I found out she was hungry. somehow she must have seriously pigged out last night and eaten everything. For me she was chomping and pulling on y fleece nightgown - I figured she was making a bed - until suddenly CHOMP on my poor widdle finger! and there was no lick lick NOM warning either.

I feel the pain too :)
Mine just gets mad and bites, too. ><
Not so pleasant bites, but it's because I touch her widdle tummy- that's a no touch zone, apparently. ^^;;;
Cuda bites for sport. It seems that if I put my hand within a 2-foot radius of his body, he lunges for it and latches on. He thinks it's a game.

I always tell him, "it's a good thing you're so cute, or else I wouldn't pretend to enjoy this".
I'm not sure if this is supported, but I know it works!

When he bites- blow in his face, roll him on is back and give a sternful "No, Gibson!" From what I was told (though I was told of lot of things that were incorrect) that you need to make sure to say "no" and his name to make sure it clicks.

As I said, I'm not sure if this is supported well, but it worked with Kiah! Now he only nibbles to say "put me down please... NOW" and that's only once in a blue moon.
Cuda bites for sport. It seems that if I put my hand within a 2-foot radius of his body, he lunges for it and latches on. He thinks it's a game.

I always tell him, "it's a good thing you're so cute, or else I wouldn't pretend to enjoy this".

you've got me laughing on the floor, thats hilarious! :hilarious:
Hey guys, been a long time since I've been on this forum. I'm a new daddy again! But before I posted anything I was looking for info on quilling and came upon this thread.

Anyway, Sweet Pea (may she rest in peace) used to bite a LOT. I was able to train her out of it. I'm not sure why she would bite me, maybe she thought my finger was a huge mealworm or something. Here's what would happen: She would sniff my finger, then CHOMP! I accidentally dropped her a few times because of this, but she was okay. Her quills protected her (thank God!)

When she would bite, I'd yell "SWEET PEA! NO!" "WE DO NOT BITE" (I think she understood NO) and at the same time blow in her face, and sometimes tap on her nose with my not-bitten hand. She would let go, and eventually she stopped biting me for fun. When she let go I'd plop her back in her house from about an inch off the floor instead of letting her crawl out of my hands. Then she'd slink under her blankey looking all guilty.

After a few minutes I'd go back and get her and give her another chance, but if she bit again, she was in for the night.

After about 2 years old, she was fine. Sometimes I'd catch her getting close, with her mouth opening and I'd say "NO!" and she'd back off. The only time she'd bite my finger was when I'd let her sleep on my bed. In the middle of the night, she'd give me a little love-bite to tell me she had to go back home to go potty. I spent just about 6 years with her, and we had a great relationship. I hope this helps. Sorry it's so long lol.