Bad Relationships...BOO!

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Thanks for the overwhelming support, everyone...really. I know all your advice is correct; cheating is a deal breaker for me as well and I had told him that. I know he's a jerk and I can do better and I will be ok, but sometimes it's hard to make myself feel that way even though I can rationally know it (if that makes any sense...). I have been trying to stay busy and the fact that I started a job a couple weeks before all this happened was good and bad. It was a great distraction but also I probably haven't been on top of my game.

I am quite tempted to write him a letter back. I've gone so far as to write it, thinking it would ease my temptation and it has a little. I don't intend to send it, maybe it's just cathartic as a journaling thing and that's why it felt good to write it. I am afraid I will kind of go down a slippery slope and send it. It doesn't say anything controversial or embarrassing, but I'd rather keep him severed from my life at the moment. I know there is nothing I could say to him or him to me that would make me feel any better but I still have this unreasonable urge to test that. You know that gut feeling you get sometimes when you're trying to decide what to do and the gut feeling is you knowing what you've decided to do before you admit to yourself you've decided? I kind of feel like that. Like I will contact him at some point and not to say anything mean or ask how his relationship is, just to say hi and I am afraid I won't stop myself! It doesn't make much sense, and I don't do well with things that don't make sense.

Meanwhile I'm continuing to go out with friends and graciously declining their offers to burn his house down or slash his tires (they are out for blood, apparently, hehe) and try to put myself into work and find new things to do. The SS thing was and still is a great distraction since I was psyched for it since months and months break up was going to stop me from signing up this year, I was waiting since last year! Chloe's been getting so much extra attention she's probably sick of me.

It comes in waves, and I can see myself not feeling bad about this but not tomorrow or the next day or the next. Thank you all so much for listening, I needed it!! :grouphug:
I REALLY would not send it. Because if you do and you don't get a reaction from him, you know what the next step are going to want to call and make sure he got it. Then if he doesn't answer then you hang up or leave a vm. then he doesn't call and then you think that jerk why didn't he call me back and then you are calling him because it's rude he didn't call you back. And before you know it you have initiated contact 3 times!! And he's thinking, wow she's a stalker/desperate/jonesin for me. Write it, burn it or write it and save it if it makes you feel better but don't send it! Keep your head and your standards high girl and keep on trucking.
I know he's a jerk and I can do better and I will be ok, but sometimes it's hard to make myself feel that way even though I can rationally know it (if that makes any sense...).

And that's ok, this is still fresh and new. You're going to go through many stages of 'grief' before you are done processing through this. Just take each one in stride, and keep sight of the end goal... finding peace.

If you're having a really bad day give yourself a time limit. Give yourself 10 minutes to focus on the pain; cry, scream, vent, rant, whatever, and then move on with your day. I've found it helps me to give myself time to validate my feelings, but then I don't ruin an entire day by dwelling on it.

Have some long grooming sessions with Chloe. Scritch her, and let her groom you, animal contact is a big stress reliever, and pet therapy works wonders on a lot of people. The chins and I are sending you a BIG HUG!
Thanks again, everyone. The letter remains unsent and I think I can handle that for now ;)

Brittany--thanks for the hugs!!

We had a mass removal on a dog the other day at work and she had a mass on her vulva. Anyhoo--my boss yelled out "Let's send it to Caitlin's ex!!" hahaha!! I don't think she's aware that his mom taught her at Tufts and moreover, she's a histologist, so my ex's house might be the most productive and medically relevant place to have sent it, ha! But it was funny...maybe more of a you had to be there kind of thing? Eh, gross things are funny in hospitals. It cheered me up a bit.