Anyone else's chin NOT like PANR?

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
So this may be coincidence but my Richie does not seem to eat his pellets when PANR is added. After his vet appointment last week (he had some anethesia) his intake of pellets was minimal. A few days before I took him to the vet I started adding PANR to his his Mazuri. I did the same with my other chin Stitch. I stopped adding the PANR to Richie's food and now he is gobbling it up. Also last week after the vet his poo was soft which I thought was either the anethesia, PANR add or both. Now on just the Mazuri it is back to normal.
I bought a digital scale and weighed him last night and he was 734g at the vet he was 757g, so he lost a little. Little stitch only weighs 581 so I am keeping him on the mix to see if he gains a little.
So...............has anyone else's chins not like PANR? Just curious.
Some of those effects may have just been from the stress of the vet appointment - stress can cause soft poos and reduced appetite. I would think if he still had his appetite, he would have picked around the PANR and ate the Mazuri anyway. Now that he's back to normal, you could try transitioning again and see if the same thing happens. Both of our chins like PANR, but I'm pretty sure Kokomo picked out the Mazuri first when it was mixed.
I've gotten all 5 of my girls to eat PANR fine, but some chins just are more picky and don't like a certain feed. If they were doing fine on the Mazuri, I'd be inclined to keep them on it. I did feed Mazuri until I got 5 chins and for me the PANR is cheaper.
My chinchilla is on PANR and he loves it. I've never tried to switch feeds but thats what he was raised on and I wouldn't change it.
I think the Mazuri pellets are softer than the PANR. Maybe that explains him wanted the softer, easier to eat pellets after surgery? I have noticed chins usually love the PANR and pick that out when given it mixed with Mazuri, but all chins are different. Good luck- give him what works best for him!
I had PANR mixed with Mazuri while I was transitioning my new chin to the Mazuri, and he just ate all the Mazuri pellets and ignored the PANR! Munchkin wasn't interested in the PANR either, so I guess they're happy with Mazuri. They also LOOOOVE the Ryersons supplement! They fight over who gets to the food bowl first as soon as I mix it in with the pellets. :)
I switched my chins from tradition to PANR and they LOVE the PANR so much better. I get it from on here and it is so fresh, you can smell it when you open it up. I won't use anything else from now on. The only thing I can say is that maybe it has to do with the vet visit or you just have a picky chin. It happens!
I switched my chin kids over to PANR also and they seem to love it! I actually did weights on them last night and every one of them gained 40g or more in one months of them gained 72g in one month!!! Little piggy LOL.
When I took Star and Shiloh in I cold switched them to PANR and they started eating it instantly and have gained alot of weight as well Star was on nutriphase guine pig food when I took her in and Shiloh the guy wouldn't tell me what Shiloh was on all he would say was he was used for school but he ate like 2 5 oz cup fulls in a 24 hour period no probs at all and they eat it to this day!! Dutchess was on a Mazuri/PANR mix and she was fine eating just PANR. So I'd vote for PANR!