Angie from the D

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Aug 18, 2010
Hello all :)
My name is Angie and I am the proud owner of two chinchillas; Mittens and Meemxes. I love my chinchillas as if they were my children, so I am seeking out sources that may prove to be helpful to all of my questions for their well-being. I am trying to locate a decent priced dealer for Missouri chinchilla food on top of seeking advice for bonding my chinchillas. I was informed that this web forum has some of the most knowledgeable people around and I am very honored to be a part of it. Looking forward to a long membership :)
Angie :grouphug:
Welcome to the forum! You're right, the people here are very knowledgeable, I learn something new almost everyday!

By the way, I think you mean Mazuri Chinchilla Food (it sounds like Missouri). You might have hard time finding a food that doesn't exist, haha. :)

You should post some pics of your chins if you can, we looooove pictures.
Hello & Welcome!

Because Mazuri is a Purina product, you can typically find it (or have it ordered) from any feed store that carries Purina.
Just can get Mazuri through Petsmart. Not sure if they have it in the stores, but youcan order it through the website.
HI and welcome! You have indeed come to a great forum! I have gotten Mazuri in the past from Petsmart, but it wasn't reliably stacked on the shelves. You could definitely order it online. I switched my chin to Oxbow, which I can get on the store shelves, and am equally happy with it.

And I second the notion for pics :)
Yep, Mazuri is in store at Petsmarts here... both Taylor and Dearborn. :) Not sure if there is one closer to Detroit then that.. but it's pretty darn close anyway!
Thanks everyone! I can't believe that I spelled the name of the food wrong!!! The previous owner of Mittens told me of the brand but never spelled it :) I found a great site to purchase Mazuri Chinchilla food through They have great prices and awesome organic treats for chinchillas. I'll try to figure out how to post pictures!