and now... a LUMP

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super-duper hedgiepig
Jan 29, 2009
So, we're still in the midst of treating for MRSA. Last night, as I was medicating Miss Satin, she was wiggling around like usual and, oh dear, is that a lump?!

Yes. Most definitely. That's a lump. I swear it wasn't there before.

About the size of a marble in diameter, on her upper right chest.

We went to the vet who determined that needed to come out. We were all set to do it, then Satin became ill - diarrhea and vomiting. Literally, after we'd sat there for an hour (and half an hour after receiving fluids), the moment the vet walks back in, Satin stands up from snuggling comfortably in my hands and proceeds to be ill. We made a nice pile of poopy hedgie wipes on the table and my outer shirt that caught her vomit (I wore two long sleeved shirts given the MRSA and brought a laundry bag) is in the wash.

So we called it off for today. There are probably a dozen explanations for why that could have happened... none of which we can be certain is "the" reason. Collectively (two vets and me) decided to interpret it as an omen: maybe it was Satin's way of saying "hang on here, let me deal with these other issues first."

We're back home and Satin has new meds to help deal with tummy issues. The vet will be checking in over the weekend. Provided all goes well and tummy is happy once again, we'll reschedule her tumor removal for Tuesday.

So much trouble for such a beautiful little girl. I hope she's able to be on the mend for real soon.

Hmm... I hear knocking... Satin?? Yep, walking around her house.
Shelly and I will be keeping you and Miss Satin in our thoughts.
She's using the pink ribbon snuggle safe cover... seemed appropriate.

One of the hard parts is that, in the midst of all this turmoil, she can't do her "normal" things like snuggle on my belly or rub noses with Hedgiedaddy.

My sweetie-pie.

Love that hog.
Sending healing thoughts and speedy recovery wishes to Miss Satin and you Melissa!
Melissa, Im so sorry you are going through this. I couldnt imagine ANOTHER thing on top of what you all are going through already. You both are strong ladies. Lots of love for you both and hoping Satin gets through this quickly!
I told you this already, but I'll post it here too... you (collective you) are in my thoughts and we are sending lots of healing glow for Satin.
Just received a call this morning and surgery is a "go" for tomorrow as Satin only vomited that one time when her vet walked back into the room. And her poops are looking better than they were... Nice brown logs over the weekend instead of the log-turning-into-peanut-butter version that she had been doing for awhile.

My vet consulted with Standing Bear's recommended vet, so we're feeling optimistic about how things will go... Okay, not so much optimistic on the likely results of the tissue that will be sent off to the lab... will have to be realistic there. But, the team is feeling good in terms of Miss Satin making it through surgery well.

I'll be giving my baby girl extra snuggles tonight and talking with her about her big adventure tomorrow. I'll drop her off tomorrow before work and await the call... while chewing my nails down to stubs.

Meanwhile, Hedgiedaddy wonders when we can stop treating our babies like biohazards. Decided I'll check into that tomorrow. Aside from Satin's lump, they both have been looking great recently.
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Lots of prayers coming to Satin from everyone, human, furred and quilled at TheHedgieDen.

I'm sure she will come through it just fine.