Accidental Breedings

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Ok ok... so now on a serious note, accidents can happen in rare instances but they are just accident...doesn't take away from their cuteness any but a resposible person who is getting into to breeding should have quite a bit of knowledge before even attempting to put 2 animals together. not just cuz of the breeding aspect but 2 males and 2 females can often kill each other for no apparent reason..
.i dont care who i buy from, i always check their sexes to just i can see for myself.
chins getting loose and getting preg i guess could happen but if your a resposible person you make sure you secure their cages better so IT DOESN'T happen again...

ok so I guess idk how to multy quote yet...My answers and thoughts were put into her quote somehow...well most of them anyhow...sorry...hopefully I made it clear enough so that everyone gets my
How often do pregnancies result from a loose chinchilla? It almost sounds like it's common after reading through this thread. I've had chinchillas escape many times through the years and have never had a mystery pregnancy.
I have some of the wooden runs here. I had a chin push his pan out, chew through the bottom of his run, through the top of the females run, and that was that. This female had never been with a male, never been next to a male through wire, never intended to breed her because she didn't get as large as I wanted her too.

I don't think chins are running rampant, loose in barns and impregnating everything in their paths. The question was asked what an "accidental" breeding is and that was an example of what one could be.
I don't think chins are running rampant, loose in barns and impregnating everything in their paths. The question was asked what an "accidental" breeding is and that was an example of what one could be.

I don't know... I took in some chins from a breeder who was selling out and that is exactly the situation that was going on in the barn. Degus and chins running rampant behind the runs, underneath the cages, on top of the cages... it was pretty chaotic.
If we're talking strictly pet owners, I would say escapes and missexes. If we're including breeders, I would include breedbacks as well.

I have one female who showed no signs of imminent pregnancy. Didn't gain any significant weight. Didn't lay on her side or look miserable like most do. I was away for a few days and when I got back, poof! There's a single not-newborn kit in the cage. The run was open the whole time. (Note: I did have someone feeding and watering my herd while I was gone, but with half a dozen litters under mom she didn't know one kit from the next.) So, I pretty much expect that she did breedback, unintentionally. And I admit, it's possible a similar situation will happen again. However, I'm capable of dealing with it and don't think it's the end of the world.
I think "accidental breeding" is just a excuse that is used when its acutally intentional and kits are wanted regardless of the poor quality of the parents.
I have one female who showed no signs of imminent pregnancy. Didn't gain any significant weight. Didn't lay on her side or look miserable like most do. I was away for a few days and when I got back, poof! There's a single not-newborn kit in the cage.

I have had this happen once as well. I had a larger black velvet female who was pregnant with one kit and showed absolutely no signs of pregnancy. The one day I found a newborn kit in the cage. I immediately removed mom and baby from the cage and put them in a maternity cage, but by then she had already bredback. Since her first litter was only one kit and she handled it well, I didn't worry about it too much. I just supplemented her, gave her extra calcium, and watched her weight.
If we're talking strictly pet owners, I would say escapes and missexes. If we're including breeders, I would include breedbacks as well.
Breedbacks are not an accident, especially not where a breeder is concerned. You left a male and female together and they bred, no accident there.
Breedbacks are not an accident, especially not where a breeder is concerned. You left a male and female together and they bred, no accident there.

I would tend to agree with Mishalaa on this one. I don't want breedbacks for my girls. If there is no indication showing she is pregnant wether it be weight gain, elongated nipples, discomfort etc. and a breedback occurs I would call it is an accident.
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Breedbacks are not an accident, especially not where a breeder is concerned. You left a male and female together and they bred, no accident there.

By that logic, missexes wouldn't be accidents either.

If unintentional = accident, then that breedback (if she is bredback) fits. I intended for them to breed, yes. Did not and do no intend for any breedbacks. Some breeders do, I don't. But when and if it happens in my herd, it's an oops.
What if someone incorrectly guesses a kit's age and leaves it with their brothers sisters mom, and the sister and/or mom, gets pregnant is that accidental?
A breeder (or anyone who has had a litter born to their chinchilla) should know when the kits were born and therefore know when to separate the boys from the girls. For this reason, I feel that the situation of the kit impregnating sisters or mom is not an accident.
What if someone incorrectly guesses a kit's age and leaves it with their brothers sisters mom, and the sister and/or mom, gets pregnant is that accidental?

thats just stupidity....SERIOUSLY....anyone with ANY common sense wouldnt leave a same sex family together after they are weined...age shouldnt even matter, if they are weined from the mother they should be split apart..
why not? Why can't you leave a same sex family together? If they were all females or all males why can't you. The OP was about a male kit in with it's mom and sister-that's not same sex.
Same sex family members SHOULD be left together for crying out loud. If you have a mom and dad chin and an "unplanned" pregnancy occurs, and the mom has a boy and girl kit then after weaning the mom and daughter are housed together and the son and father are housed together. THAT is the smartest thing you can do!
i meant opposite sex family members, calm down i said the wrong thing! if you didnt understand that from reading the entire thing sorry.. i believe any same sex family should be together but if they are a mother and son or brother and sister than no!
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i meant opposite sex family members, calm down i said the wrong thing! if you didnt understand that from reading the entire thing sorry.. i believe any same sex family should be together but if they are a mother and son or brother and sister than no!

The posts in response to your post are perfectly calm, Courtney. They are asking legitimate questions based on what you posted. People on this forum are not mind no we wouldn't know what you mean unless you write exactly what you mean.

Ollalie, that is exactly the reason responsible breeders double check and even triple check the genders of their babies at weaning. To me, getting the gender of your chinchilla babies wrong, and not checking for so long that the mother/sister or whatever has a chance to become pregnant is completely irresponsible on that breeder/owner's part. It is not an accident it is absolutely irresponsible.
I don't think chins are running rampant, loose in barns and impregnating everything in their paths.
:laughitup: This had me almost crying, I was laughing so hard. Impregnating everything in their paths! :rofl:

On a serious note, I think that if you're 'guessing' a kit's age and you get it that wrong, then you were either given babies and their mother and not told the age, OR you have serious problems with math, and should be using a calendar. It's not as if as soon as a male kit is 8 weeks and 1 day old that he will impregnate his sister.

And I just want to add, because I don't think anyone explained it, why it is that female chinchillas can get pregnant before they have a kit. Only because I know their names, and not to use you as a scapegoat or anything, chinchillalover, I'm going to use your chins as an example. Pebbles had a stillborn baby, and you separated her from the male the day you saw that; however, unlike in humans, if chinchillas breed when they are pregnant, they can get pregnant again (in the other fallopian tube, I think?). So if you want to use people as an example, it's the equivalent of a woman being in her third trimester, having sex, and becoming pregnant again, so that when her first baby is 8 or 9 months old, she has another. Talk about 'Irish Twins'.
The above wasn't a message for chinchillalover specifically, it was for anyone reading this thread. Chinchillalover, I think that what I just explained is why everyone was upset with you. I don't know if they told you about the possible double pregnancy, or if they assumed you knew that, but that was why they wanted you to separate Pebbles and (I forgot your male's name, sorry!) immediately, not to make your chinchillas lonely or anything.

Nothing in this post should be taken in a negative manner, especially not in direction to any forum members, I just wanted to clarify some things that I saw as a little unclear while I was reading through this thread.
It's not as if as soon as a male kit is 8 weeks and 1 day old that he will impregnate his sister.

Some males do become sexually mature AT 8 weeks of age. This means that they can impregnate a female at 8 weeks 1 day. I've seen it happen numerous times. One breeder I know thought it was just dandy to pair up 8 week old males to females so they could "grow together" and sometimes the males would breed their new cagemates the day they were introduced. Which means, these boys were 8 weeks, went straight from mom to the new lady and impregnated her. This is not a myth which is why we are so hard on people to wean boys at 8 weeks.

Chinchillas have the equivalent of two uteruses(uteri?). For chinchillas this means they can carry two litters at the same time. This is why we see litters with "half developed" kits because those kits were the result of a later breeding while the first kits were developing. If only one uterine "horn" is occupied (in the case of Pebbles since she only had one kit) the female can become pregnant in the other horn at any time. Since females vaginal openings become "open" a few days before giving birth this usually means they've already gone "into heat".

I think we made it very clear why we were upset with Courtney, Brittany. She's been a member for a while and has lied to us in previous posts, making us feel she was breeding irresponsibly (I'm NOT attacking you Courtney).
Some males do become sexually mature AT 8 weeks of age. This means that they can impregnate a female at 8 weeks 1 day. I've seen it happen numerous times. One breeder I know thought it was just dandy to pair up 8 week old males to females so they could "grow together" and sometimes the males would breed their new cagemates the day they were introduced. Which means, these boys were 8 weeks, went straight from mom to the new lady and impregnated her. This is not a myth which is why we are so hard on people to wean boys at 8 weeks.

Chinchillas have the equivalent of two uteruses(uteri?). For chinchillas this means they can carry two litters at the same time. This is why we see litters with "half developed" kits because those kits were the result of a later breeding while the first kits were developing. If only one uterine "horn" is occupied (in the case of Pebbles since she only had one kit) the female can become pregnant in the other horn at any time. Since females vaginal openings become "open" a few days before giving birth this usually means they've already gone "into heat".

I think we made it very clear why we were upset with Courtney, Brittany. She's been a member for a while and has lied to us in previous posts, making us feel she was breeding irresponsibly (I'm NOT attacking you Courtney).

no its fine,
how soon before birth do they come into heat to breed again like that??? are chinchillas the only animals that do that , that you all are aware of??? i didnt even know they came into heat before birth again..

also i weighed the babies again to make sure they are both nursing good, but like i said every time i look there is one on each side so they are not showing any signs of fighting over nursing..
bv male gained 3 grams
standard female gained 4 grams..
they are now 3 days old..
they were both decent sized babies which i was happy with being that duece and pebbles arent exactly large chinchillas..i just want to make sure they continue to grow at a good pace
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