Accidental Breedings

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Ehhhh - sorry Laurie, but that's a crock. If two chins I had no intention of breeding get loose and breed during their walk about, it's an accidental breeding. It's not a blessing, it's not a miracle. It's a genetic mess that I didn't intend to happen.

Not all pregnancies are blessed creations, blah, blah. Some just shouldn't have happened.
Here is the thing. I am going to use the term accident as it really is the best fit for the conversation

If you have a male in with a female and you Know it is a male and female it is not an accident.

So to chinchillalover I am going to just say it. Ignarance is no excuse and to all others if you put a male and female together it is a planned pregnancy. You knew what would happen and you likely wanted it to happen. Sympathy for separation is the lamest excuse I hear over and over. If you are breeding be a grown up and atleast own up to it.

That goes for anyone who's "chinchillas were so sad and lonely" I love my chinchillas but I recognize they are animals not people in fur coats they do not have complex thought. They will get over seperation. The males drive to be with the female is the mating instinct..... I get mistakes I make mistakes all the time. It ceases to be a mistake when it is done intentionally. You have admited here you knew the risk and left them together

As for this thread I had no idea it was about you till you flipped out.
Nope standing 100 percent by my words, was it an accident your chins got out? Sure but it's not an accident pregnancy occurred because again WHENEVER THE PENIS IS INTRODUCED TO THE VAGINA PREGNANCY CAN OCCUR. Not WILL occur by CAN occur so knowing that and knowing you house males and females together makes it UNPLANNED not an ACCIDENT. The penis doesn't "accidentally" fall into the vagina BTW that male totally plans on putting it in the female. If you have male and female chins you know what can happen, if you are a human female with a human male and you are naked together you know what can happen--heck you don't even have to be naked, you know what can happen, period. It is the desire of all animals to mate I believe, therefore, it is instinctual.
Tomato/tomatoe Laurie. It's just semantics. Unplanned or accidental - It is the same thing. The pregnancy was not intended. There is a definite difference between an accidental (unplanned) pregnancy and a planned one when breeding animals. Accidents do happen, but the point here is, putting a male and female together in a cage deliberately is in no way, shape, or form accidental.

So to chinchillalover I am going to just say it. Ignarance is no excuse and to all others if you put a male and female together it is a planned pregnancy. You knew what would happen and you likely wanted it to happen. Sympathy for separation is the lamest excuse I hear over and over. If you are breeding be a grown up and atleast own up to it.

As for this thread I had no idea it was about you till you flipped out.

as to the first part, like i said, i had planned on seperating them before breed back would occur....i didnt want her to get pregnant again, why would i have taken him out that night if i had wanted her to get pregnant yes my ignorance is an excuse because my ignorance caused the problem, ive owned up to it and im over it now...

and the only reason i announced it was me was because i know atleast 4-6 people who DID know it was me and i wasnt happy that everyone was talking about me...just like no one else would have been happy either..

but like i said im over the situation, i admitted i lied about seperating them and i caused a stupid thing to happen..but all my cages are same sex pairs and its going to stay that way for a while.
I am with everyone about accidental breedings. Breedings that occurred when they got loose one night or if they were missexed.

I was all for this thread until I read all the other crap. I, like Starleomach, had no idea it was about someone specific on here until she flipped out. That was disappointing to have to sift through all that bull****.
If it truly was an accident you would have separated immedialty...the Oh well she was already pregnant is truly the dumbest when you learned that they needed to be separated there is no excuse to wait. You were told that they can breed days before giving birth. You took a risk you knew it was a risk. Ignorance is no excuse. Ignorance is a decision to not learn
Chinchillalover, I also had no idea this thread was about you until you made it clear with your initial posting.

As far as I am concerned, there is no excuse for lieing. If you made a decision about your animals, be mature enough to stand by that decision. Don't lie to us because you know we'll disapprove of your decision. If you don't think you're doing anything wrong, then you have no reason to lie. Disagreement happens, and you have the right to do with your animals as you choose, whether others agree or not.

That brings me to my next point. You have clearly not taken the time to fully educate yourself about these wonderful animals. As an owner, and "accidental" breeder (which I say with some sarcasm, because I don't believe leaving them together to breedback was at all accidental), you have a responsiblity to learn everything you can about them. These are living creatures who depend on you for their survival. That is a big responsiblity and one that should be handled with the utmost care and concern. If you truly love your animals as much as you say you do, you wills top being defensive, stop lieing, and start actually trying to learn from the advice given here.
If it truly was an accident you would have separated immedialty...the Oh well she was already pregnant is truly the dumbest when you learned that they needed to be separated there is no excuse to wait. You were told that they can breed days before giving birth. You took a risk you knew it was a risk. Ignorance is no excuse. Ignorance is a decision to not learn

like i said its over with now...they have been seperated for months.
wow, i expected to read about an educated debate and instead got a pissing contest.

i dont breed and know very little about it, but i do know that if you put a boy & a girl together, chances are you will get a baby.

i also feel there are owners that are the result of someone elses mistake, meaning they adopted or rescued a chin that was already pregnant. not there fault or mistake, but someone else put a boy & girl together & got a baby.

there are also owners who were misinformed and perhaps did not have the fortune of a this forum as a resource to properly confirm the sex of their pets. they had a boy & girl and got a baby.

and then i think there are the people who just dont care and are ignorant. and that is sad.
in my opinion, saying "accident" or "unplanned pregnancy" is only legitimate when, as stated earlier, two chins mate as a result of escape or missexing.

a few posts ask why the pair wasnt separated, i ask "why were they even together if breeding wasnt intended?"

i, like many others, didnt know who this thread was aimed at. and for all we know, there are NUMEROUS members on this thread to whom this thread can be applied.

i believe that the OP intended this thread to be a discussion on how "accidents" dont just happen. they can be preventable, except in cases where it is out of our control (escape mating). im glad this thread was posted so that people, who are pet owners, know the consequences of pairing chins.

as laurie stated, if you put two naked humans together, they CAN breed. if you put two chins together, they CAN breed. thats not an accident on the chins part. its an accident on the owners part. so as a note to all chin owners: IF YOU DONT INTEND TO BREED, DONT PUT A PAIR TOGETHER.
It's true that most likely a male and a female put together will have babies, but for me, I have a few pairs of chinchillas, that haven't had babies in months, maybe between 4 and 6 months, and have taken like forever to have babies and some other pairs I have, have their babies very soon, I guess all chins are different.
Okay, back to the original topic. We've pretty much covered the side bar to death, so let's just answer Stack's original question please.

im really worried that your last post may provide a loophole for chinchilla owners, especially new ones who want their chin to have a "boyfriend or girlfriend". in YOUR case, you may have a few who have not bred and who will not breed. but everyone else should keep in mind that that example shouldnt give others the "go ahead" for pairing opposite sexed chins.

im still assuming that by "accidental breedings", we're talking pet owners and not breeders. pet owners should just have pets. lets let the breeders do their thing.
Oh no, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to share that in my case not all my chins breed right away, but still it doesn't mean that by putting them together they will never breed, because of course they will always do it at any time.
What is an accidental pregnancy. To me it is one that was honestly and sincerely not wanting to breed the chins in question but happened thru escapee or missexed. I don't really see any other reason.
Wether we are talking pet owners or breeders.
since theres the topic of breedbacks i read somwhere about it shortening the females life. Can someone tell me if this is true?
since theres the topic of breedbacks i read somwhere about it shortening the females life. Can someone tell me if this is true?

It's not true. Breedbacks are avoided because they can have a negative impact on the health of the kit and mother, since the mother is nursing kits while new kits are developing in her womb.

roflmao :rofl: So that is how it happens..I was wondering how that all worked...Im not sure they even have to be intruduced tho....where was this info yrs ago??? lol...j/k

The penis doesn't "accidentally" fall into the vagina

WHAT?? I beg to differ there...I think my husband might too. I think if he thought for one min he could claim "oops hunny, it accidently fell in. he would be totally be ok with that...I have one word for that..MEN!! (dont think it matter the species, their guys)
BTW that male totally plans on putting it in the female.
duh...AGAIN I SAY "MEN"...

if you are a human female with a human male and you are naked together you know what can happen--heck you don't even have to be naked,

isn't that the truth....
come on people, i cant possibly be the only one to find that abolutely hilarious..:hilarious:

Ok ok... so now on a serious note, accidents can happen in rare instances but they are just accident...doesn't take away from their cuteness any but a resposible person who is getting into to breeding should have quite a bit of knowledge before even attempting to put 2 animals together. not just cuz of the breeding aspect but 2 males and 2 females can often kill each other for no apparent reason..
.i dont care who i buy from, i always check their sexes to just i can see for myself.
chins getting loose and getting preg i guess could happen but if your a resposible person you make sure you secure their cages better so IT DOESN'T happen again...