A new buddy

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Jun 2, 2010
Evansville, IN
So, it is planned that Monday I will be getting a new buddy for my first Chinchilla.
I've heard that for the first 30 days you should have them in separate cages next to each other so they become friends but without direct contact just in case.
Is there anything else I need to know before I bring another one in?

A little about my new friend:
Her name is Donut and she was dumped at the door of a vet. She had an infected/broken leg and it had to be amputated.
She only has 3 legs now but gets around just fine. She was fostered at a house that rescues animals (mostly dogs and cats but he decided to take in a chinchilla this time). I'm going to visit her Monday and if everything goes well, I'll take her home with me. I can't wait to meet her! :)

Any advice for me?
Actually for the first 30 days you need to keep them in completely different cages in completely different rooms with absolutely no contact between them. This is called quarantine. You should wash your hands between handling them. This ensures that no illnesses will be passed on, and allows the new chinchilla's gut bacteria to acclimate to the new bacteria of it's surroundings.

After quarantine is up, you can think about introducing them. If you use the search function introduction techniques, you'll turn up quite a few.
Oh man, poor little chin. I'm glad she's getting a new home.

Follow Stackie's advice and congrats on the new baby. After the quarantine is up, we may need to talk about introducing them if they decide to not like each other very well. ;)
Thank you both!
Is it likely that they will like each other or not like each other?? Does one happen more than the other?
I don't want two chins that hate each other.
But my first one is very friendly and I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with a new friend.
You never know with chins who they are going to like or hate, even bonded pairs who have been together for years can turn on each other and kill. A rule of thumb, always have a cage set up avaliable for each chin you own, even if they live together.
Should I bring my chinchilla with me when I go to meet this chin to see if they get along or would that be a bad idea?

No, that would ruin the quarantine that I have already explained.....absolutely no contact until she has been in your home for 30 days, quarantine with no problems.