3 wk old chin bloated, bload around anus

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2010
Please advise. I was just told that one of our baby chins (3 wk old) is bloated and there is blood around his anus & something is hanging out (sounds like hemorrhoid) - they are not home so I can't see for myself. I've read that if constipated then they should be fed pro-biotic yogurt. How much? For how long? Should they stop feeding him regular food? I know that fro grown chinchillas you give apple and that losen's up their poop. What should we do?....
It sounds more like a rectal prolapse. The chinchilla needs to see a vet immediately since the chances for survival are low. If something is hanging out of the anus, it is the rectum itself. He needs a vet NOW.

Also, chinchillas should never be given apple or fruit of any kind. They contain too much sugar. Sugar throws off the natural flora in their digestive tract which causes bloat which leads to GI stasis and/or death.
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It sounds like your little one has a prolapse. A chin with bloat or diarrhea or digestive issues causing discomfort and straining can cause the intestine to protrude from the anus. He needs to see a vet ASAP who can stitch it back in. Survival rate is fairly low in prolapsed kits but the sooner he gets vet care, the better his chances.

At 3 weeks, the only thing he should be getting is milk (I normally add probiotics - acidophilus - to my kit formulas) and access to pellets and hay. I wouldn't do yogurt for the probiotics because yogurt also has other proteins and milk sugars. You can get just the probiotic in liquid or capsule form.
There is only one place in Ireland that treats chinchillas and at the moment the vet is unavailable... What do I do now? My boyfriend is bringing them home now, but what next?
If it is a prolapse then he needs a vet NOW. Call around, tell them it's an emergency, even if they aren't an exotic vet, he needs someone.
He is going to need someone to make it. You can take a clean hand gently push the prolapse back in to get to the vet. You can also use a dab of honey (on the prolapsed part) to bring swelling down unless you have anemax cream on hand. But you will need a vet and survival rate is very very low

***Disclaimer*** this is extreme emergencies only!!!! Get to a vet but like in my case ER vet is 2 hours away with traffic...this saved King*****
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She died. Vet couldn't do anything. What could have caused prolapse? They were fed all the same food as the previous two weeks. Vet gave some fluids and antibiotics to the other too and said to hold off any food till 6 a.m. (another 3 hours). Their last normal mean had been 10 hours ago. I am heart broken and deflated, I cried rivers. I am so scared for the other two... What was done wrong?
sometimes nothing happened.. something just may have gone internally wrong...Odds are it was nothing you did and there was nothing you could have done.
I just don't believe that that's a coincidence that all 3 got bloated bellies (different degrees) around the same time. Something went wrong and I wish I knew what, but they were not with me and I haven't go a clue.
will they be fine without food for so long. Vet said that I should wait. Poor things a crying cause they are hungry.
I'm a little confused as to what the wait is for. Typically, if you have a chin that is bloating, you feed them to get the gas to pass. If they are bloated and they are crying, it's probably a combination of both missing food and having gas. Did the vet suggest gas drops for the bloat?
No, no gas drops. i was surprised as well. She gave Pro-Kolin to give them 4 times a day. I just feel bad since it's so long since their last meal. How much should I give them?
I would just give them a couple drops when you feed them next. Massage their bellies after you feed them - that will help keep their bellies moving, prevent blockages and help pass the gas. Make sure you are seeing poos - that indicates the bowels are still moving.
What kind of drops are they? Should I go to vet pharmacy & they will give me something. Two boys seem to be doing fine at the moment.
Simethicone is human baby gas drops, you get them at the human pharmacy in the digestive medicine department.