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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. knixnet

    Ingrown Quill

    i dont know much about ingrown quills since i've never dealt with them, but a year does seem like a long time to have a bump :/ hopefully your little thistle gets better soon :D
  2. knixnet

    Ingrown Quill

    I found this photo of someone who was pretty sure what they were dealing with was an ingrown quill but i can't be sure! its probably best to have a vet take a look at it, as it could be something very dangerous.
  3. knixnet

    Whose Birthday is it? 11/17/10

    happy birthday :D
  4. knixnet


    Hey, welcome :) I'm sure you'll learn a ton about Chinchillas here :D
  5. knixnet

    Unexpected babies?

    well of course......thats obvious........ The point is that it's frustrating.
  6. knixnet


    My hedgehog hadn't been fed anything but her kibble before I got her so she was resistant to try veggies and meal worms. However, I learned that if I cut the vegetable in a really small size (no bigger than her own food) she tried it and loved it! now she will try to eat them at any size...
  7. knixnet

    Meet Titus the hedgehog!

    Those EARS :D he's adorable
  8. knixnet

    New Hedgie Never Socialized

    I would recommend just scooping him up with a towel and sitting with him on your lap for about 15-30 minutess when you sit down, maybe to watch tv. It would probably be best if it was dim and quiet. I've handled my hedgehog for at least a few minutes a day and she definitely isn't scared like...
  9. knixnet


    I'm so sorry about Cedric :( He sounds like a great hedgehog!
  10. knixnet

    Hello from New York

    aww :) what did you name your little guy? Welcome
  11. knixnet

    Real world McDonald burger experiment

    idk why but i laughed when the dog took the last bun. it was so cute.
  12. knixnet

    What would you do in this situation?

  13. knixnet

    What would you do in this situation?

    Sorry, I'm going to comment on a post that I find offensive and ignorant.
  14. knixnet

    Hedgehog Cookies!

    ahh soo cute!
  15. knixnet

    What would you do in this situation?

    I stopped reading at the slut shaming
  16. knixnet

    Rodeos.....Yay or Nay?

    That doesn't really change the fact that the bulls are often mistreated and even tortured at these type of events. I know it depends on the people involved/who is hosting it but I've seen too many bulls running while on fire to be okay with that type of event.
  17. knixnet

    Rodeos.....Yay or Nay?

    I've been to a Rodeo before and it was fun, but I don't agree with bull riding, bull fighting, or saddle bronc, as well as horse racing for that matter. I thought the barrel racing and team penning events were fun and harmless. I've participated in a team penning event and its fun for the horses...
  18. knixnet

    CALL FOR ENTRIES: Official CnH 2011 Hedgehog Calendar

    oh no! :c I'm planning to submit some, I've taken a couple pictures that I like and this weekend I was going to take even more. I hope there is still a calendar.
  19. knixnet

    No toys in happy meals?

    You'd be surprised at the lengths parents go to make sure their kids get certain happy meal toys. Every day customers would get mad at me if I told them we didn't have the toy they wanted. Buying the toy separately was an option, but it's mostly a better deal to get the meal along with it.
  20. knixnet

    How does he do it?

    Hahaha thats bizarre!