Your Chin's Favorite Toy

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I thought it would be fun for everyone to talk about what their chin's favorite toy is. This could be wood, fleece, etc. I am specifically wondering about what your chins like to play with during play time !!! Maybe we can all get some ideas for new toys :)

Pictures would be great too!!!
Don't really know if this classifies as a TOY, but for playtime, she loves to tug on my socks. She'll tug til she gets one off, go stash it behind the toilet, then come to nibble on my toes.
Mine just like to roll in their dust bowl and popcorn. They don't really play with anything.
During playtime it seems that I am my chins favorite toy.
In the cage, my one boy like those bitty bagel cardboard thingies and this huge hanging toy that i got from yummychinchillatoys
Spooky looooves twigs. If I give her one she will gather up all the rest she has in her cage to one corner and just sit on them so no one can 'steal' from her.

As far as forbidden treats, if I have the baby outlet guard out so I can plug in the vacuum she will try and grab it and zip back to her cage. Luckily I've learned to put it on the window sill so she doesn't see it.
Mine love anything they can jump on, like their hay box, their wood/treat box and they especially love climbing on and hiding out in their chew chew train from simply chintastic.
During playtime it seems that I am my chins favorite toy.
In the cage, my one boy like those bitty bagel cardboard thingies and this huge hanging toy that i got from yummychinchillatoys

Are those bitty bagels really as good as people say they are? I've seen them on a lot of member sites around here and am wondering if I should just order them and see. But since you mentioned them, mind telling me about them?
my one chin loves them. and they are very reasonably priced. they are also the perfect size and he flips them around.
my other boy has little interest. even before he was diagnosed with malo, he just didnt love them like Stitch.
I have purchased the larger ones and they didnt like them as much.
but every chin is different just like people. when i am ordering stuff from anyone online here i always "try" one new thing. that way i can offer a good variety of stuff for them to chew on and keep busy.
i attached pictures of both they are from the website. she also carrys larger skinny ones and bigger tube like ones.
I try to spread the love when I buy here and try to order a little from a lot of people, but she makes really nice big toys and i tried the other stuff and it was a hit!


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Thanks for the answers guys! I noticed that when I got bagels my chins loved them too but I kind of forgot about them. I may have to purchase some again!!!! :)
i have had my chin for allitle over a week and he really shows preferance to the wood cabinet in the bathroom for playtime lol.
Bryson's favorite toy in his cage would have to be his stuffed raccoon cuddle buddy. He likes to pounce on it, wrestle it, and take it to the top of his cage, drop it, and watch it fall, and once he is satisfied with the thud, he runs back down, grabs it, and repeats the process.

Also, during cage cleaning day, he likes the vacuum hose. I'll point it at him, and he will come over and sniff it. It will suck up his whiskers, and he will shake off and popcorn a bit and I will go back to cleaning. Then a little bit later he comes back over and I do it again. He really seems to love it.

His favorite toys during playtime are:

My toes, especially if I have a nice and bright polish on.

The toilet, one day he actually flushed it when playing with the handle
The wall for wall surfing

The shower curtain, because it is fun to hide in

And I keep a poster tube in there and he likes to run back and forth inside of it, though, I did have to rescue him one day cause he's gotten so fat lately. He tried to turn around and got stuck. Needless to say, now he just backs out of the tube, runs to the other side, and does it again.
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One of my chins loves his flying saucer wheel. He also has this large walnut he carries around and drops from the top of his cage. He can't break through it, but he has a lot of fun playing with it!
Also, during cage cleaning day, he likes the vacuum hose. I'll point it at him, and he will come over and sniff it. It will suck up his whiskers, and he will shake off and popcorn a bit and I will go back to cleaning. Then a little bit later he comes back over and I do it again. He really seems to love it.

Oh dear, that sounds scary! Sounds like he could get his face sucked up! I just say that because one time, my boyfriend was sucking up the shavings from the hamster cage... and the hamster wandered too close, and her little bum got sucked up into the hose! He obviously turned it off right away and she wasn't harmed, but it's very scary! :unsure:
Little Dude has a stuffed bunny. It's a love hate kind of thing. The eyes are gone and it's head is split open. It used to be a large fuzzy hand puppet. Despite it's "killed condition"..........he sleeps with bunny daily. He's had it for a couple years.
All my chins but my trio love their fleece tubes and are glued to them all day. Chew wise, all of them love apple sticks.
As of last night, I just found out what I believe to be their new fave chew toy, pecan coins!
Oh dear, that sounds scary! Sounds like he could get his face sucked up! I just say that because one time, my boyfriend was sucking up the shavings from the hamster cage... and the hamster wandered too close, and her little bum got sucked up into the hose! He obviously turned it off right away and she wasn't harmed, but it's very scary! :unsure:

Nah, the hose is only big enough for his poop to go through, he's fine, just likes to have fun with it. Sorry about the hammy though :laughitup: sounds wrong, but it's kind of a funny visual.
Brittney, my one chin loves my toes too! He has a weird foot fetish haha

Lolaris, my chins are obsessed with the vacuum too!! But only when it isn't on haha They try to get near it and then i turn it on and the second they feel that suction they're gone!!! I think they think it's kind of like a game... like "how close can I get before she tries to suck me up" haha

Sandi, what do pecan coins look like??? I've never heard of them...

Thanks for all the replies! I find it really interesting haha
Kunya loves willow wreaths, sometimes he runs in his wheel with them. He usually carries them around for a few trips around his cage then he shreds them. He also enjoys my hand as a toy...he nibbles and grooms me and loves to play with my ring that I always wear...I think he wants it to carry around! Nice thread, I enjoyed reading everyone's posts!