strange discharge??

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poop hunter/gatherer
Aug 16, 2012
Pepperell, MA

I recently made fleece liners for my chin's cage. I was told when I adopted her that she is 4 yrs old. The last few days she has been very moody, been making her "I'm annoyed at you" noises and peed on me. So, I've been giving her some space.

Tonight, when I went to clean her cage, I found a very strange "substance" on her fleece. It is pale yellow, opaque, and smells. I know she can't vomit, but it reminds me of cat vomit. Kind of mucous-like but it has dried. This is not her normal urine.

I am hoping that as a rookie, I am just seeing my Lilly in heat for the first time. I have read about uterine infections, kidney and bladder stones.....I'm sufficiently terrified. Can someone help me out? I am getting worried. I thought she was PO'd because I let my Sister-in-law hold her when we had a cookout this past weekend. If she is actually sick, I don't know what I'm going to do. Thanks!


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Discharge can be cause by being in heat. However its normally clear, sometimes goowie but no odor. If there is an odor and have color it can be caused by an infection from minor to deadly. How long have you been seeing this? If over 24 hours and no improvement you need to bring her to the vet asap.
Any discharge that smells could mean infection and frankly the second picture the chinchilla looks very ill, chin IMO needs a vet visit ASAP.
So if it has only happened this once, should I assume she went into heat and is ok? She seems to have perked up and is in much better spirits last night and this morning before she went to sleep. She is more like my old Lilly Belle than she has been since Sunday.

Any discharge that smells could mean infection and frankly the second picture the chinchilla looks very ill, chin IMO needs a vet visit ASAP.

The second picture is about 3weeks old. That is how she looks when she is sleeping or "cat-napping". She has an attitude and tends to scowl a bit.
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You can't really assume on it. Chins do hide their illness very well. I know someone who tried to wait it out and ended up with a dead chin within a day. Any odor you smell or color changes to any discharge should be a prompt to a vet visit.
I am with the others,,, I would have her looked at by a vet. Any odors on discharges is a sign of some type of infection.
Just a thought.....Are you positive SHE isnt a HE? Strange substance is common with boys. If you catch my drift. My boys tend to make fleece items their "girlfriends"....
Lilly does not have a willy. I checked the very detailed photos at and she is definitely a she. She is also, I think, ok. I know you all say the vet should check her out, but I've checked everything he will. I palpated her tummy. She didn't even flinch. There hasn't been any discharge in at least 16 hours. She is neither hot, nor cold. She isnt lethargic. Shes eating and drinking normally.

She is spunky and has her regular Lilly attitude. When I wrapped her in a blanket to check her undercarriage, she didn't make a peep, didn't try to bite me, and thankfully, didn't try to pee on me. The Lilly that I have known and adored for the last month is back. She even let me put her udder balm on her little toes and heels without any fuss.

I think she is going to be ok. If she gives me any reason to think otherwise, I found a great exotics vet within 10 minutes of our house. She is my little girl and I won't let anything happen to her. I just think the stress of an unwarranted trip to the vet will do a lot more harm than good.
Just a thought here. Handling by a stranger is not going to cause a discharge of any type. There is something going on. She could have pyometra. It may have started out as open and is now closed. This is not a good situation. I would take her to the vet to be sure. Chinchillas will hide illness and injury until it is too late. Just because she did not react when you checked her out, does not mean that there is nothing wrong. In fact, her cooperation could very well mean that she is sick.