ugh !!!!

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Edgar, haven't you been advised on a couple of threads now that you should wait and get to know your chin more, and let him get to know you before you try and pet him. You really do have to be patient. I promise it will pay off. Sit next to his cage, talk to him, read to him. Give him time to get used to his new environment and to you. Once he is comfortable with you, bring your hand to him, but don't try to pet him. Let him be in control of the bonding. Give him an apple treat. Show him your hand has something fun to chew on. I think it took a month or so before my chin started letting me near her. But I gave her the lead, and now she is a total sweetheart. Patience and he will be your best friend before you know it. :)
Jenn is right, you have to be patient. It might take weeks, months, or even years for him to begin bonding with you.

It helped a lot sitting by my chins cage and talking to her. I would sit there for hours and she would love. I think you should give that a try and see how it goes! If you run out of things to say, you can read a book out load. Then I would put my hand in once and a while to let her smell it, and after a while she trusted me enough to pet her. Now she's my lil fuzz kid with trust in me!
thanks =] its cause i see all these stories about you gguys chins and makes want to have that bond
They didn't happen overnight. I rushed Flea, mistook his early willingness to not run away as permission to handle him, and it took forever to gain his trust back. I have had him for over 2 years now and he still gets nervous if I move too quickly with him.
Take your time. It will be worth it.
With chins patience pays off big! It's strange how one day something will click and that chin is your best buddy. It's worth it to take your time, I tell all my customers to give it a week or two or three. It's very damaging to a chin to rush can be a real set back if the chin gets stressed or upset because losing a little trust takes a long time to remedy!
Edgar, haven't you been advised on a couple of threads now that you should wait and get to know your chin more, and let him get to know you before you try and pet him. You really do have to be patient. I promise it will pay off. Sit next to his cage, talk to him, read to him. Give him time to get used to his new environment and to you. Once he is comfortable with you, bring your hand to him, but don't try to pet him. Let him be in control of the bonding. Give him an apple treat. Show him your hand has something fun to chew on. I think it took a month or so before my chin started letting me near her. But I gave her the lead, and now she is a total sweetheart. Patience and he will be your best friend before you know it. :)

Ack! I just reread this - I wrote this last night when I was exhausted - and I meant to say, give him an apple stick treat. No apples, no fruit or chin really loves her apple sticks and takes them from me as treats. But again, be patient, and when you have done a lot of socializing by sitting and talking with him, try to hand him a stick and see if he takes it from you. A good way to show that your hand promises something good and yummy.