What are you afraid of??

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I <3 dustbunnies
Feb 1, 2009
Nashville, TN
So I was looking at Megan's post about scuba and thinking Yikes! the ocean...and thought it would be interesting to see what people are afraid of...

I am afraid of ledges (as in cliff, building, etc.), snakes, the ocean, and chainsaws (well most saws in general).
...the dark. Ok, no, I'm afraid of the unknown stuff that's IN the dark...

Hmm... what else... failure, rejection, drowning, not being able to breathe (I have pretty bad asthma)... "thousand-leggers"

I'm sure I'll think of more as people post theirs....
My biggest fear is very irrational. I am afraid of werewolves. Yep deathly afraid. I will not camp during the full moon nor will I park in the parking lot in back of the complex where I live because of the woods.

I'm also afraid of sharks, even though for Brandon, I'm trying to learn more about them!

I'm afraid of crickets and grasshoppers just because they are creepy.

My most rational fear:
I'm afraid of losing my beautiful sister, Lisa to her cancer, and having to live the rest of my life without her.
I'm afraid of house fires, specially in the middle of the night. Probably because I have 4 kids and know how quickly you have to get out...
Second fear is car wrecks, mainly on the freeway, been in a couple really bad ones when I was little, and still get panic attacks from time to time. Not fun. :(
I'm not afraid of much but I really really don't like ticks. I'm not one to freak out at most bugs, mice, or snakes, but if I find a tick on me I sure do.

I'm afraid of getting old to the point where I can't take care of myself anymore some day.
I suffer from rather severe caulrophobia (= TERRIFIED OF CLOWNS)
I'll wait until you all are finished laughing...
OK, I don't know why I am so terrified of them, but I've been afraid of them since I was a baby (my mom bought a clown toy and put it in my room as a baby and I would scream until she took it away). My husband says it's an irrational fear, but John Wayne Gacy was a clown, so there...

They also always seem like they're hiding something...
Sorry if any of you are clowns, I don't mean to offend!
My "silly fear" is loosing all my teeth. I am so terrified I'll be walking around with no teeth. I see so many people come through the store without teeth, and it terrifies me.

I am also terrified of fast moving bugs--those stupid house centipedes for instance...millipedes, other centipedes--they all have one place they belong. The bottom of my shoe! I can do spiders, and will capture and let them go outside-but cannot do those thousand leggers.
Hate the dark. I'm also claustrophobic. Definitely not a spider/snake/strange insects fan either.
I'm afraid of the ocean. When I go swimming there, if my feet can't touch the bottom, I freak out. I won't put even a toe in the water at night. No telling what kind of things there are lurking, for all we know there's some enormous foot eating squid that comes from the depths at night looking for a nice foot to eat (Exaggerating, but still)
I'm deathly afraid of loose mice. Not pet mice that get loose, but wild ones that just pop out of NO WHERE. I scream, squeal, hop on furniture, flail madly while whining, etc.
I'm claustrophobic at an insane level. Me and my friends used to hang out in this giant tunnel, we'd sit there and talk, listen to music, etc, I could never sit on the inside, I had to be on the end or I hyperventilated.
I'm scared of swimming in ponds and lakes as well. Wont' set foot in them unless I'm on a boat, even then I flip out. (Had an experience one summer while I was dozing off in an innertube and a fish kept rubbing up against my butt, I swore that thing was trying to eat me and STILL believe it was).
I'm deathly scared of spiders and cockroaches. I don't see how some people can have tarantulas. About the time that thing got loose and wound up on my face in my sleep (Which it would, my luck SUCKS like that) I'd pee myself.
My biggest weakness is zombies...Oh my...I hate staying in a house with a lot of windows because in the back of my mind, as stupid as it sounds, I'm thinking "Holy crap if the zombies come, we're in trouble."
I'm also scared of big crowds because I do not like people I don't know touching me an that's usually what happens.
I don't see how some people can have tarantulas. About the time that thing got loose and wound up on my face in my sleep (Which it would, my luck SUCKS like that) I'd pee myself.
This made me LOL. I had a tarantula when I was 14. Also had hamsters. Well, one of the hamsters got out and crawled across my Mom's face in the middle of the night. I think she did pee her pants!
This made me LOL. I had a tarantula when I was 14. Also had hamsters. Well, one of the hamsters got out and crawled across my Mom's face in the middle of the night. I think she did pee her pants!

If it says anything, the other night I was in the bathroom answering nature's call, and a mouse ran out, ran right across my feet, turned, and ran back under the cabinet. Let's just say I got lucky by being in the bathroom, otherwise I would have peed myself. My mom heard me screaming all the way on the opposite side of the house and thought some kind of serial killer had broke in and was torturing me or something. Oh my I took a steaming hot shower after that.
Doof got loose once and wound up on Tasha's face when me and her were still friends. I woke up to a whimper and her saying "I thought there was a rat on my face" Hah, I love my fur kids.
Sorry I know these are real fears, but some of them made me laugh!!

Horses that eat people ....LOL
Werewolves and Zombies...LOL
Being toothless....LOL
Lots's of people are afraid of clowns though - don't ever watch the movie "Polergeist"

Mine are pretty basic - spiders, confined spaces, being eaten by a bear....
Jenny - Lots of people are afraid of clowns. I was surprised by how many actually.

Fire is a biggie for me, for the same reason as listed above, getting my kids and my animals out. Just the thought scares the snot out of me.

The thought of being in another car accident scares me. I've been in a couple and they were not fun. It doesn't terrify me, but it is something I think about when driving.

Death is about a pretty scarey thing in my book. I think it's because of what was mentioned earlier - fear of the unknown. Nobody really knows what happens after you die. There is lots of religious speculation, but no proof. I don't like the unknown.

Other than that, something happening to my kids scares me. I worry about them being out in cars with other kids who might not be great drivers, or who might not pay attention while they are driving. I worry about someone hurting them, because life is so random and things just happen. My kids would have to be my ultimate fear.
I'm absolutely terrified of heights. It's bad enough that I break into a cold sweat when I simply look at a picture taken over the side of a cliff or watch a movie where they do a wide-angle shot of the view outside a plane or over a cliff.

I refuse to venture into water that I either can't see to the bottom or touch the bottom with my flat feet. Seaweed brushing my leg sends me into a panic.

I'm not afraid of the dark, but rather, what I can't see in the dark. When I was younger (18 or so), I was grabbed by a homeless person when I was coming out of work at about 9pm. It startled me so badly that I refuse to leave my house after dark, unless someone is with me.

My irrational fear is forgetting to close my hedgehogs' cages or something happening to cause them to topple over. I check to make sure their cages are closed at least 10 times before bed each night. Even though I KNOW they're not big enough to open them, I have this fear that they'll push against the door, it will open and they'll fall out of the cage and get hurt.
I'm afraid of monkeys and natural disasters. More or the type of thing that leaves a huge portion of the country/world unlivable. I have nightmares about it, but oddly enough love movies like War of the Worlds, The Day After Tomorrow, Cloverfield, etc...
Don't feel alone about zombies. They come in at number 2 on my list. When I get really stressed with work, I have HORRIBLE zombie nightmares. I think it's my mind's way of saying, "you think you're stressed now? Things could be WAAAY worse!"

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