You Know You're A Chinchilla Owner When...

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Student of my chinchillas
Aug 29, 2013
This is just a little funny list that a thought of. Everyone, feel free to reply and add more reasons to the list! All the statements on the list below certainly apply to me as a chin owner! P.S. Moderators, if you think this would be better suited for the chit chat section, please move it, thanks!

You Know You're A Chin Owner When....​
1. You have a panic attack when the temperature creeps above 70 degrees
2. You have a fierce allegiance to one of the "Big 3" food brands (Mazuri, Oxbow, Tradition)
3. You know exactly what your chinchilla's favorite wood is
4. Receiving chinchilla supplies as a Christmas/Birthday present is 10 times better than getting a new gadget or piece of jewelry
5. You're either team fleece, team shavings, or team Carefresh
6. Your bedroom/closet/basement/etc. has been transformed into a chinchilla supplies storage room (I currently have 34lbs of food, 3lbs of hay, 10 lbs of dust, and 1lb of apple wood all stored in my bedroom closet!)
7. You cringe when you overhear a pet store employee recommending things like Kaytee Fiesta food and plastic toys to a new chin owner
8. You've started referring to plastic hamster balls as "death balls"
9. You have a love/hate relationship with Petsmart/Petco
10. You've had to cancel a "night out on the town" with friends because you have to stay home and "clean the cages."
11. You're always saving up for a new wheel or saucer
12. You know putting together a Critter/Ferret Nation is an absolute NIGHTMARE (especially the Critter Nation)
13. You live in constant fear that one day you're Bass Pans will develop the dreaded irreversible urine smell
14. You often find a stray chinchilla poop in the most random places
15. Finally, you know you're a chin owner when.... you realize YOU ARE ADDICTED TO CHINS-N-HEDGIES :dance3:
Whenever you go anywhere shopping you are looking for something fun for the chinchillas
You have a personalized license plate CHEWNPU (chew and poo)
Your fan blades have fur
A 50lb bag of dust makes you happy
You pull over and stop if you see a new small pet store anywhere
1.) When you spend hundreds of dollars on your one chinchilla, way more you'll ever spend on your dog.
2.) When you constantly obsess over the temperature and making sure the air conditioner is on along with icecubs and frozen bottles
3.) When you have a chinchilla head cushion for your car and a chinchilla decal and a chinchilla shrine in your room and a chinchilla iphone holder, and a keychain.
4.) When you would do anything for you chinchilla including making 2 stops at Safeway just for infant gas drops and raisins to help with constipation/bloating.
5.) When you would rush him to the vet in the middle of the day making your mom go calling 11-25 vets
6.) When you would take him on the plane with you over 6 times because you can't ever leave him behind
7.) When you constantly worry while you're gone and obsess over him
8.) When you buy organic wood, herbs, cookies, treats, food, and hay for your chinchilla every month
9.) When you have chinchilla chew marks all over the house during the times he has escaped
10.) When you are so good with him, you can catch him in a heartbeat while no one including the vet can
9.) When you have chinchilla chew marks all over the house during the times he has escaped
Haha! That one is so true! At my old house we took our chins out to play and when we weren't looking he chewed heavily on the baseboards! Luckily the people buying our house didn't notice :rofl:
When you have a chinchilla toilet seat
All your sweat shirts have chinchillas on them
You carry simethicone in your purse "just in case"
You vet calls you and says "Hey Dawn its Curt"
You have chinchilla cookie cutters and use them
You go to the thrift stores in search of pyrex pans and granite trivets/coasters.
You have a candy jar that's never had candy in it, just dust and poop.
You vacuum/sweep multiple times a day.
All cardboard boxes go to the play area before recycling.
Touching poop has become no big deal.
You can recognize your chins by their voices alone.
Wow I guess I ain't a chinchilla owner since most of the things everyone said doesn't apply to me.

When they escape in the middle of the night you find them jumping around your bed and get woken up by it.
When the most exciting thing that has happened to you this week is receiving a shipment of apple wood

When you go to the fabric store and the employees think you're crazy when you tell them you're buying fleece for your chinchilla's cage

When your internet browser lists chins-n-hedgies as the website you frequent most

When you give someone the silent treatment because they referred to your chin as a "rodent" (One time my sister's BF actually said chins are just "glorified hamsters"... lol)

When you find out a random stranger also owns a chinchilla and you two become instant friends

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