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Well-known member
May 7, 2010
Toronto Canada
Hi all,

Here are photos of Pancake's head x-rays from the vet. I dont really know what I'm looking at only general anatomy (teeth and head). Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

The x-rays aren't great but #2 looks good-I see no points, I would say #4 I see some eleongation but not that bad, JMO.
I think the xrays are pretty decent. You have two obliques, an AP, and a right lateral view. The lateral is not completely lateral but is still pretty decent. Looks like the back molar is curved and the molars do appear elongated. Is he/she having symptoms of malloclusion.
Pancake has these symptoms: a blocked tear duct (since beginning of April), weeping eyes (milky discharge), eating less (pellets and hay) but I've been giving critical care so weight is stable, and now occasional grinding of teeth. He's personality has changed a bit in the last few days.

What he's always had is a strange hiccup/heaving thing and he chews differently when you watch his jaw move. Whether these are really related to the teeth I don't know. My vet suggested it might be a jaw muscle thing but is not sure.

What I'm hearing from people is that there is root elongation, but it's not severe. But I think it's affecting him more than it seems....

ANyhow, I'll be taking him to U of Guelph to get another opinion and see if anything can be done or if there are any suggestions.

Thanks for your input Godins and if you think of anything else let me know!
Is there drool or mouth swiping? Can you run your finger across his lips and is there moisture? Are you using eye drops for the infection?
Hi ticklechin. There is no drool nor mouth wiping. There is no moisture when I run my fingers on his lips. I don't think there is an infection in his eye-just tears. I'll use the drops when he does his squinting eye again. I should clarify though its not affecting boths eyes, just the one eye (right side).
No drool or moisture with no swiping leads me to believe its not mouth related. Has he had oral antibiotics yet? Guido went through something like this, the eye did not heal with the eye drops after 14 days, he had the x-rays and oral exam under gas and nothing. Finally he went though 14 days of TMS along with the drops and it went away right at the end of the treatment. He also slowed down eating and needed to have 20ml of CC a day to supplement what he was eating to keep his weight steady.
From what i seen it did look like there was some malo in those xrays....now im no vet but i have been through malo before. Im thinking it is not bad yet and that may be the reason for no drool but i would definately keep an eye on him. What did the vet say???
The vet mentioned that the roots are elongated and the back teeth are suspect because they are curved. There was a suggestion that if they do get bad enough that they can be taken out. Overall they have seen worse so they are not too worried. They've seen chins live a long time with worse teeth.

What I dont' get is if it's not that bad, why all the other symptoms?

ticklechin, I'll definately try to get the oral antibiotics. I think you suggested that before and it fell to the way side. Then if that doesn't work then I'll try Guelph.
Some chins are "drama queens" and just react to any bit of pain I have found. My worse case of malo with advanced elongation acted up to the day she died like nothing was wrong, the only way I knew she was ready for a filing was weight loss. Dante is a drama queen, he has one rear tooth that has a slight curve that takes 6 months to a year to touch his cheek-he acts like when that happens like he has the worse case of malo on earth-the couple of hours when he gets back from the vet after a filing he bellies up to the food bowl and inhales.

The thing with eye infections I was told on my last visit to the vet is they "taste nasty" and between that and the drops it makes them go off feed.
Drama queens eh? LOL I never thought of that!

Interesting to know about how eye infections affect their taste....that might explain why Pancake loves apple and banana CC but all my other chins are disgusted by it.
The vet mentioned that the roots are elongated and the back teeth are suspect because they are curved. There was a suggestion that if they do get bad enough that they can be taken out. Overall they have seen worse so they are not too worried. They've seen chins live a long time with worse teeth.

Elongated roots means "malo"
Yes they can remove the bad tooth or teeth but you got to remember if they remove a top tooth they have to remove the one directly below it and vice versa since their teeth continously grow. Also if they loose to many teeth they could require constant hand feeding....not trying to scare you just make you aware.
As I mentioned before i.m.o. (and no im not a vet) they didnt look horrible yet but it is definately something to keep you eye on. Elongated roots if left untreated can grow through the bottom jaw and also pierce their eyes and/or brain and kill them. Of coarse this would be a slow and very painful death so its something I would be watching.
Also some chins can't handle any pain where as some can handle quite a bit. they are all different and unique just as us humans
Malocclusion by strict definition means misalighment of the teeth and does not include elongation-chins can have malo without elongation, they can have elongation without malo-the term malo is used in the chin world to describe both but its not correct.