Worried first time chin owner - diarrhea!

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New member
Feb 7, 2014
I have 2 male 4 month old chins. When I first got them all was fine and after about 2 weeks one of my boys developed runny poos (Sootie) but the other chin (Sweep) was unaffected. I took away their pellet food (i was using a different food to what the pet store used) and just fed them hay and odd bits of very burnt toast and bought a probiotic to go in the water.

After a few days Sootie started to improve and left it a week before introducing the food again. I was given food by my partner which he uses for his chins and have had no problems with it. But the runny/soft poos have returned again :( my partner has suggested to give them lots of hay and maybe just a handful of pellets and increase it slowly over the weeks but I'm worried it's hurting my chins. I've had to clean all the surfaces they sit/stand on due to the poos.

I'm still giving them the water with the added probiotic in. I have rang the vet and they are confident it's just the food upsetting them. I do want to give them pellet food eventually. Do I just need to introduce it slowly? What's the best way? Is there anything anyone else can suggest?

Very worried it's damaging him in some way as of course googling symptoms is the worst thing to do! Any advice appreciated for a first time chin owner.
A radical change of feed will to that to any species.
A slow process is needed in most individuals. So, yes do as your partner said, slowly reintroduce the feed you are using.
The probiotics, sprinkle on the pellets directly, my fear in water is it may cause bacteria and not get the full benefit.
I would bring in a sample of his feces to test for giardia. Not that it is giardia, but being having the stress of the move and changes in feed can possibly cause it. So you don't want to wait to long.

Good Luck.

http://chocolatechinchillas.com/id6.html = lifeline

http://fuzzieskingdom.com/ = Tanya
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I have given them strictly hay and water for a few days and literally put in a tablespoon of chinchilla mix and Sweep has gotten the soft poos again. Even on that tiny amount. Can chins live off just hay or do they need pellets as well? I'm getting the idea that this food is really bad for them no matter how slowly ill introduce it. Maybe I should try them on the plain pellets that the pet shop were feeding them? Maybe that would work. I knew they had sensitive tummys but I didn't think it was this sensitive. Any advice would be great... I just want them to be happy and healthy.