Willow will not stop taking off his waterbottle. :3

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I ♥ Willow :)
Jun 30, 2010
Ontario, Canada
SO Willow decides everyday he doesnt like his waterbottle being on his cage so he pulls at the metal thing holding on the bottle and makes the bottle fall. This makes me have to put it back on in the morning and at night, and I worried about him not getting enough water (even though I sit there and hold it while he drinks it) and him taking that metal thing in his cage and getting hurt. Ive checked for these chewproof water bottles but I cant really see how they work, does anyone know a specific one suited to Willow? ^.^
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What kind of bottle do you currently have? Can you post a picture of how yours is attached. It will help us to answer your question.
It sounds like a plastic one with a metal holder.

When my girl Macy had a plastic one she would do the same thing. Lucky the chinnies were checked on every few hours and it could be put back if needed. Usually during the day didn't bother it. It was at night when she would.

I just switched her the edstorm and solved the problem.

Maybe get a spring like is used to hold the edstorm or glass water bottles on.
for the time being i have one of those metal holders with the plastic bottle that goes inside the cage. I have taken a lava jumping stone and put it above the bottle to keep her chewing on the bottle itself. as far as her taking it off she did that too. I just tied the whole thing with a peice of fleece to the cage
i agree with finding a way to have the bottle on the outside of the cage, and just have the spout stick through the bars.

Rhino has the superpet glass and metal bottle, and it came with a spring holder and it works so well to keep that bottle in place that i sometimes have trouble getting it off, lol!
i have the same problem with my chin calista she doesnt like the metal holders. i even had a spring holder and she ripped on of the latches off. i know use a strip of fleece and tie it around it and she cant really get it off and when she does its not for at least a week or more
Its the LivingWorld rabbit sized water bottle,
right now I have the nozzle through the bars and it resting on the dresser beside his cage, but that wont last forever because he will eventually just knock it down,
and tying fleece to hold it on sounds like a good idea :O Ill try that first and if he gets it off somehow ill buy one with a spring, thanks ! =)