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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I liked it! Looks like right now you're ahead by 4...I'm going back to go and vote as my husband and daughter!!! :) If I make them a nice dinner...they won't mind too much!!:)
I had my family do votes just now and my aunt (who has TONS of game friends) posted it on her page. Crosses fingers!
Thank you!!! You guys are simply amazing! Chinchilla owners must be the nicest people on Earth!
Thank you! The Pomeranian came out of nowhere and now is beating me by like 30 votes. If I lose, I just hope it's not to the girl with the kittens! I'd rather lose to the pom.
The little brat joined a chinchilla group on Facebook that I'm very active in and asked MY friends to vote for her stupid kitten picture! GRR!
That is extremely bratty!! Which Chinchilla group are you a part of, I've not been on fb much until recently...trying to catch up!! ;)
Thanks soooo much!!!! I'm only behind by 6 votes instead of 30 now! Wohooo! I think I can take the lead. Keeping it is the hard part. Haha!
Looks like you won! Congrats! I saw all their exotic pets on their website too. Their foxes are so cute.
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Thank you!! And thanks for voting everyone!! I did win. :)

I want a short tailed opossum. And I didn't want the other girl to win. Haha!