Which intro would be easier?

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Hello <3

Once again, I'm mulling over the idea of getting a friend for my 5 year old chinnie girl, Zumi. I was originally going to get a baby female, but now I've found a young male that someone in the area is looking to rehome.

So, my question is, is it necessarily easier to intro a neutered male with a female? Or am I better off waiting and getting a baby girl?

Thanks for your help!
Well, no one is going to be able to give you the right answer. It depends upon the chin some will not accept any other chins. For me it is easier to intro opposite sex pairs. However, it seems like most females will be bonded forever, and opposite sex pairs or same sex males tend to fight more. Then again as with any pair once the baby reaches puberty, they may have a little squabble over dominance.
It doesn't matter whether it's a neutered male, a baby girl, an older girl, an older guy - if they are meant to get along, they will. If they aren't meant to get along, they won't. In my own experience, I've put together any and all of the above combinations, including 3, 4, 5, etc. animals. Some go together easy as can be, others will just never work out.

When you decide to introduce a chin to your already existing chin, you always, always run the risk that it won't turn out well. You also run the risk that they get along great for 5 years, then suddenly turn on each other. It's always going to be a crapshoot. Get whichever you would like, try and intro them, and have a cage on standby at all times in case it doesn't work out now, or in the future.
Thanks for your help! I've actually decided to wait and get a young female, since I'd rather not put a male through the trauma of neutering and then not have it work out. Plus, I found out neutering a chin is really expensive! $215 was the best price I could find among the chin-experienced vets here.

So, hopefully I'll be bringing home a pretty young white chin soon, and hopefully after quarantine she and Zumi will become good lil' chin pals. *fingers crossed*!
just also keep in mind that just because a pair becomes bonded doesn't mean they'll stay bonded and that by getting another chin you are commiting to them whether or not they bond in the beginning or for life...

just look into all the different types and try them slowly...rushing the intros can be an issue alot of the time.

Good luck and keep us posted!
It can take VERY long to bond your chinchillas, so just because they don't get along at first doesn't mean they will never. And just because they get along at first doen't meen they will keep getting along. For me it took 2-3 months to bond my male and female. And yes he did have to go trough casteration, but hes completely fine, and I got it done by a chinchillla vet for $150. Wish you the best of luck, Tune's way of bonding chinchillas worked for me, try the ideas.
Sorry for asking a question in someone else's thread but is there a link someone could post to any previous thread that has gone through some of the ways to bond chinchillas? I'm interested in this topic as well.