Which Breeders?

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The Millers also sold out last year I believe, but they don't plan on being gone forever.

The other big breeder that sold their herd is Bowen's chinchilla, though they are not out of the business. They just wanted to make sure the herd will be in capable hands after they're gone since, unfortunately, they aren't getting younger.
Holy crap, I definitely need to keep up with things, I had no idea about the Shoots! But I've been distracted with the pregnancy and all.

We will be rebuilding as of this spring, hopefully beginning at the York show, but we're trying to keep our mutes to a minimum so we are currently culling.

Paul K of Kuby's Kritters is currently training to be a judge and I think he's going to be very good.
I plan on training for judge as well, I just want to get a few more years of experience in first. Maybe after Paul finishes his training...
I have been quiet due to busy work/school load but am still alive and kicking. Herd is slightly larger than in the past and am rebuilding after a large cull and re-arrangement to help focus on my standards.
Good to hear that so many of the "small guys" are getting bigger AND stepping up for positions in the industry...anyone able to direct me to how I'd become a judge...should I be interested :) I had that info...once upon a time
Linda Lucas has stopped breeding due to some family issues. but shes still around and hoping to start breeding again sometime next year.
i reduced my number due to family issues also (mom has terminal cancer) but im still around and hoping to get back into show again next year.
I have heard who bought Shoots, but not from the Shoots themselves so I will not say for sure. I also heard Mark Miller has a new herd going already which is great to hear.
Awesome, thanks for the input JAGS, as for Shoots...I hope they're in good hands, that'd be a total waste if not. I was hoping to compete in pelts against him at some point...though it wouldn't be much of a competition LOL
Wow that is shocking about Shoots. I have been to their website a few times. It seems like a lot of people getting out....but people are always getting in too. Are the Miller's going to show?
Awesome, thanks for the input JAGS, as for Shoots...I hope they're in good hands, that'd be a total waste if not. I was hoping to compete in pelts against him at some point...though it wouldn't be much of a competition LOL

The Shoots herd is in good hands and I'm sure we will see many pelts from their lines at national shows for years to come. I believe they are announcing who bought the herd in the next issue of the ECBC Breeder.

To become a judge through ECBC you need to first become a judge trainee and fulfill the requirements for that. To become a trainee you need to have at least 5 years with ECBC then you must also have 10 standards and 10 mutations take 1st place or higher at sanctioned shows over a 2 year period. After that, you have to judge, I believe, four sanctioned shows with different judges and attend a certain amount of judges seminars (national meetings basically). Once all of this criteria is filled, you take a test at the next national meeting and if you pass...you become a sanctioned judge. If you don't pass, you have to start from square one again. I believe you can only try for sanctioned judge three times or some small number like that. Once you are a judge through ECBC you automatically become a judge for MCBA.
this thread is soo depressing. I too am hoping to grow at some point soon. I would like to be up towards 100 in the next couple of years but right now finances are just not making it possible and I need a bigger house or better yet a barn.
Mark will be showing in the future at some point, but doesn't plan on having a larger herd again at this time.

There will always be new breeders, but will be stay around, will they step up to the show table and realize what's needed to create a top show animal? Those are the questions that we don't know.
I think Stark Chinchillas is gone or almost gone also. It does seem scarey that what may be on the horizon is BYBs and Fly by Nights, with very few quality hobby breeders.
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I talked to Ralph last Wednesday morning and while they have what he described as "a very good offer" & an agreement not to sell any animals to others at this point, the chins have not yet actually changed hands & moved to Mexico. He said if the deal goes through the chins will be at the same ranch Gary is managing. Ralph also said he will still be a judge, and with his daughter & grandchildren working with chins they will still be involved in the industry. I was QUITE relieved to hear that, as Shoots have such a wealth of experience & knowledge to share. Selfishly, I'm sorry they are retiring. Its wonderful for them that they have an offer they can work with, that the herd will stay together, and that they have an opportunity to enjoy retirement though!!
Selfishly I'm sad they're retiring as well but I'm happy for them and I'm glad they'll still be around to share their wealth of knowledge. I've always enjoyed talking to Ralph and Barb.
I talked to Ralph this afternoon and the sale of his animals has been done. They are on their way to Mexico by way of CA. He also sent several semi loads of cages directly to Mexico. As was mentioned earlier they still plan on being active in the industry.
I'm bummed to hear about Shoots! I'm out of the loop on who is around, and such this year. I had approx 60-70 animals until earlier this year when I found out I had Lymphoma. I sold over half my herd, and for now plan on staying where I am, and continuing to attend shows when health, and time allow!
I thought it was a done deal with Shoots. The animals were shipped to LAX about 250 at a time. I do believe that some are already in Mexico.