Wheel modifications

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poop hunter/gatherer
Aug 16, 2012
Pepperell, MA
Hi everyone!

So I bought the wrong wheel for my LillyBelle thinking it was at least an improvement over the one she had when she came home with me. She had the metal, mesh wheel with the posts on the sides that looked like they were poking through her fur and touching her. She'd had it so long, the metal was almost worn through.

I replaced it with The Super Pet Chinchilla Giant Comfort Wheel. Well, the moment she started hauling fuzzy bum on this thing, I could see that the center post design was terrible for her back. The ridges that I suppose we're for traction hurt her feet. They were red and cracked, so I got her some udder balm and set about figuring out how I'm going to get her one of those awesome wheels that cost a fortune.

My always brilliant and handy husband suggested that we line the running surface with the fleece I used in the rest of the cage. And then he said he had figured out how to cut down the center post to save Lil's back. Long story not short, Lilly has a lined wheel (that reminds me of a 70's shaggin wagon van) with a short post. Her new improvedwheel is SILENT. The hubs lubed it too. Has anyone else ever modified a "mass market, pet store" item? Any success?


the problem with store bought wheels is that they are never big enough, and cause problems with the chin's spine over time. the superpet wheel only has a 12 inch diameter, when the minimum for chins is 14 inches, 15 and up preferred. i know it may not seem like that 2 inches means a lot of difference, but it does.

plastic is also a dangerous thing to have in a cage - chins are likely to chew it and if they swallow pieces they can get an impaction. chins can die from impaction if they are not treated at the vet for it immediately.

i'd take that wheel out and wait until you've saved up for the proper wheel - a chin spin is what i would recommend. on what you've spent on the metal mesh wheel and the superpet wheel, you could have bought a chin spin already, eh?
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My husband and I are regular middle class folks with three young daughters. We save up for anything that is outside our normal expenses. My husband understood how much i wanted a pet, but my kids are allergic to cats and dogs. When we "rescued" Lilly she came to us with the metal wheel, and she was in tough shape. We've got her healthy, fluffy and clean.

When I could not afford the best cage for her at first, we made an "ok" cage work by adding shelves and ramps for her. Once we could afford the Critter Nation, she got one and her new wheel. Along the way she's gotten a wooden house rather than plastic, her chin chiller, a wooden hay manger, and other chin safe upgrades. One at a time. So we took kind of an ok wheel, and with materials i already have, made it a luxury liner until I can save up for the silver surfer.
but what i am saying is that the 'kind of ok' wheel you have in her cage is not ok at all, and is unsafe both from a materials standpoint and a size standpoint.
Just a heads up, those comfort wheels have a plastic middle spoke that eventually gets ground down and then the wheel falls off the spoke. It could potentially fall off with your chin on it, injuring her or trapping her under it.

She'd be fine without a wheel until you save up for a decent one.

When I want something new for my chin's cage, I pull old stuff out of my closets and sell it on ebay until I have enough in my PayPal account to buy what I want. It's "found money". :)
^^ i sold my bed to fund chin stuff. considering i gave up my bedroom to them, i didn't need the bed anyway! lol.
srlampron- I would like to say how wonderful it is you rescuing your lillyBelle, My chin was donated to me i love him im scared to give him non-chin friendly items but i have a plastic wheel and it says its for Chinchillas and pets at home aren't going to sell me something thats not ment for him! At leased your caring about her enough to remove the one she was living with and if the wheel is chin friendly (which is in its name) and the lining i don't see the problem as long as shes happy and its not going to hurt her! well done you for giving her a happy home i say!
................... but i have a plastic wheel and it says its for Chinchillas and pets at home aren't going to sell me something thats not ment for him! .................... and if the wheel is chin friendly (which is in its name) !

don't believe what you see at the pet store. so many items are marked 'for chinchillas' but are in fact dangerous for them. the giant run around ball is the biggest example of this - chins die due to overheating in those dang things.
I bought one of those plastic wheels in a pinch when I felt a unexpected chin needed one, lasted one evening and the axel broke and the chin was lucky it was not hurt. Don't waste any more money, save up for a good quality wheel.
Daina91880...I have come to the conclusion that Petsmart and PetCo kinda stink. Beside the sadness I feel seeing the chins and other small critters taken care of so poorly there, the products they sell are sub-standard.

So, with having a not only handsome, but also handy husband, Lilly Belle is the proud owner of a brand new handmade chinchilla wheel. We used the plans from this page : http://www.spoiledchins.net/wheelinstructions.html (modified to mine and my husband's anal retentive standards) and it looks great.

Lilly does not seem to agree. Although she is thrilled with her knotted sisal rope chewy I made for her, she is less than excited about her new wheel. Hasn't even stepped onto it yet. How do we get her to check it out without stressing her or forcing her? I think she will like it once she tries it. We are going to add some sound deadening material to the outside of it between the cage and wheel to try to make it quieter for her.

She's been through so many changes since she came home with me.....I just want her to be happy. Any ideas?
Ok, so here we are, a week later and Lilly still won't go near her new, fancy, chin-safe wheel. She is in fact, terrified of the thing. The sound it makes sends her into her hideout in a shaking terror. So, back to the plastic carpeted wheel we went. She is so happy.

I have discovered that since she has never tried to chew on it, I can let this one go. Compared with the care I see other Chinnies getting (and they are beautiful, happy and in excellent health) I can let this slide. To make Lilly happy, I will, anyway.

We can try a flying saucer or silver surfer later on. We'll see how things progress with my girl.