Wheel makes cage rattle

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Mischki is here!
Aug 4, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Okay, I have a FN 142, with a Chin Spin on the left side of the cage. I have two wooden shelves, and the two original shelves it came with, because Mischki doesn't chew on those.
Is there any way to make the cage stop shaking and rattling when Mischki is running in her wheel?? I can't really sleep at night anymore because she's running in it. :yawn:

Or secure the shelves in more places. [make them tighter to the cage sides]
The shelves and the wheel are on as tight as I can get them. I only got 1-2 hours of sleep last night, so I'm going to the store today to get more shelves. Let's hope this works...
Yes, I think a few more shelves will stabilize the cage. I have a QC Mansion and a chin spin. I think it's awesome when they rattle the whole cage while they run on the wheel. But then, again, they are not in my bedroom and I work nights and sleep days. :thumbsup:
Try to the move the wheel to different sides of the cage... When my wheel is in the back it doens't make the cage shake, but if it is on either side it makes the cage shake really bad.
I moved the wheel to the back, which actually made the rattling worse, but then I figured out exactly what was rattling! It was the doors! So I took a strip of anti-pill fleece and put it between the doors, and it stopped the rattling! YAY!! Now I can sleep again :D
Thanks for posting this, my chin spins should be here any day, I would hate to have the same issue. Now I know the solution, thanks!
No problem! Mischki didn't really love running in it until this past week! Before, she'd run in it for a minute, then stop. Now she just loves running in it for 5 minutes, take a quick break, then go back to running! :laughitup:
But the fleece definitely works, and she doesn't chew on fleece, so I don't have to worry about her getting into trouble with that :D
I hope you don't have any problems, chin spin is great, besides the chins loving it so much!! ;)
I feel your pain!!!lol i have a chin spin too...my little boy runs like there is no tomorrow and the entire cage rattles like an earthquake!!! I think its just from the size of the wheel, i dont know, but ive tried everything I can think of, still is noisy!