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Active member
Sep 26, 2012
I have two chins, who live in the same cage. I have noticed on occasion one of them will bark in the middle of the night. I've read a lot about them barking meaning that they feel threatened or are unhappy. I have a large cage with multiple levels and a wheel to run on. Also, I keep toys and things for them to chew on in the cage. So they couldn't possibly be unhappy could they?

Can anyone give me an idea why my chins might be barking?
It can also mean the sky is blue, it's a full moon, and you left your jeans in the living room.

It's a warning bark, warning the herd for whatever reason. Sometimes they really are upset, but other times they are just barking and who knows why. My chins will do it when there is absolutely nothing going on and I even have white noise running to block any outside sounds.
One night shortly after my ex and I got our first chin, he started barking incessantly entirely out of the blue. A good half hour went past with him fussing away, until I happened to jump online and see that there'd been an explosion at an industrial area 3 miles away.

He apparently heard the boom and/or the sirens and had to tell us about it.

That said, last night in my sleep I comforted one of my chins who was barking for no discernible reason as well. He does this pretty regularly. Last night just happened to catch my fiancee off guard because I'd been "Dead to the World" asleep and just started talking to Crash. :) The cage is about 8' from our bed, but it's such a habit with him, I don't even wake up any more. You are not a bad chin parent because your chin occasionally barks. :)
Yeah, who knows. There could be a bug in the room, he could have heard a noise you don't know about, he just feels like being a little stinker, wanting to warn you, etc.. lol.

Just the other night, I was cleaning cages and making some toys. I walked out of the room and Tribble started barking. My boyfriend was cleaning his fish tank and he has never really heard him bark. He says, "What the heck is that? Sounds like someone is sneezing!" LOL. I have no clue why he was barking. I was running the vacuum before, so maybe that ticked him off..

3CsMommy- That is so cool that he heard that explosion. He must have been trying to warn you guys. How adorable.. :p
My deaf chin barks in his sleep all the time. Obviously there's no noises around the cage scaring him. I like to think he's just having nightmares.
Mochi barked in her sleep twice yesterday. It really freaked me out since she's pretty much been silent since I got her.
My chin does this randomly in his sleep. He's never made a peep outside of the occasional excited squeak when he gets so worked up running around he just can't contain himself lol. But I noticed if he starts doing it in his sleep and I say his name softly he usually stops. =)
Mine barks to inform me of my neighbors uhm, activity's.
I never could figure out what he was barking at at night until I walked outside stood at the edge of the lawn and heard very low noises. It wasn't until another less discreet night that I realized that's what makes him bark.
Moral of the story, chins have great hearing, and they are also little gossips.