What was your chin like as a kit?

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Active member
Nov 18, 2012
It seems like some people's kits calmed down and became much friendlier as they grew older (by virtue of kits just being active and crazy), while others maintain that temperament isn't something that changes much even with age.

My little guy Winston is a typical kit--active, playful, skittish, not shy per se, but hates to be petted (he'll immediately flinch and start scratching where you touched him...as if he's ridding himself of your cooties! :)). I'm taking a patient but hands-on approach with him in hopes he'll grow used to being handled and will realize it won't hurt him. He has been getting nippy lately, but rarely draws blood and I try to just sternly say "no," and continue doing what I was doing so he doesn't start biting to get the reactions he wants. I do think he's comfortable in his environment though by the way he acts in his cage (popcorning, sleeps completely sprawled out in the open, etc.)

I'm assuming he'll calm down a bit as he grows older, but am not sure if he'll get grow to be more affectionate or friendlier than he is. My other two kits (who to be fair, were sick at the time so maybe they were just more acquiescent) were extremely friendly and calm from the get-go.

Adult temperament is clearly determined by both nature & nurture, but it does seem like there are cases where nature overcomes nurture (e.g., unfriendly chins who were handled from birth, extremely sweet chins who grew up in big ranches without much contact).

I'm curious as to what other people's experiences have been. I know it varies a lot chin by chin, so what's your personal experience?
It is so different with each chin. Some stay exactly the same, some become horribly bratty, some calm down, some get more scared, some get more friendly.

My first chin stayed exactly the same. He's been the same little sweetie pie baby for the entire time I have had him for a pet. Hans went from being a very calm little baby to being hyper crazy for about five years to being calm and then being such a giant brat. It seems like his personality slowly changes every few years. There's such a huge range of possibilities in how chins change over time.
My chin was a scared nervous wreck and now is a spunky social little fur ball...however he has just never ever liked being held. You can pet him all over but the second you try to snatch him up - he will not have it.
At least 6 of my boys came to me when they were 8-9 weeks old. I had one 8 wk old that cried for a day or 2 until he realized I was not going to eat him. After that he was just like the rest of them... crazy, energetic, flying squirrels in the cage, etc. They ALL have calmed down ;)) for the most part now that they are adults.
i brought kishi home when she was still fairly small(i think they said she was 2 months old) and while she was more active than she was in her adult days, she was always a sleepyhead, if she was not outside her cage she just tends to sleep alot,she chewed alot more when she was little too.
all in all she's a pretty mellow chin, unless you're trying to get her to do something she doesn't want to do lol.
Ive always gottenmy chins at 6 months or older, usually at least a year old. I find that they do tend to get more bratty as they approach 2 and then mello more after that. My current girl has always been lazy and slow for a chin, which also increases with age. =P
My chins are both bratty! Lol, the older one is about 2 and she loves scritches (which she had nothing to do with when she was a kit) She's better another being held now, but she's not the biggest fan.
My other chin is only 4months, she is skittish and quite a spaz. She jumps plays and is very happy, but try to hold her and she's a little nippy (doesn't break skin)
Let's hope she stops that! :))
My chins are both bratty! Lol, the older one is about 2 and she loves scritches (which she had nothing to do with when she was a kit) She's better another being held now, but she's not the biggest fan.
My other chin is only 4months, she is skittish and quite a spaz. She jumps plays and is very happy, but try to hold her and she's a little nippy (doesn't break skin)
Let's hope she stops that! :))

That gives me hope! Winston acts like you're attacking him if you try to give him a scritch and will nip at your fingers. Hopefully he'll enjoy them someday (and hopefully I'll still have all my fingers...)
ZZ came to us as a very socialized adult, but we got Marble when she was around 12 weeks. She was very skittish at first, then inquisitive but cautious. She really didn't start coming out of her shell until she was about 6 months old. We've had her for around 8 years now and her mood varies by day...lol.
Henry's personality is essentially the same as when he was little (came to me at five months I think it was). He surprised me when I first brought him home and I really didn't know what to do with him, because I'd heard all about how chins can be shy and it might take quite a while for them to settle in, and there was this mad squirrel, bouncing around, confidently coming up to me, and demanding to be let out to look around. He wouldn't settle alright, but not in the way I'd anticipated. He loved to be made a fuss of and still does, but at first only liked being stroked more like a cat, not skritches.

He did however go through a few months of being a total and utter brat, which I'm pretty sure was chinnie puberty. He would no longer sit with me, would, not really nip, but use his teeth as a way to shove my hands out the way, had many tantrums throwing things around his cage and rattling his hammock's fasteners, was just a little horror. Fortunately, it did end and he reverted back to his usually sweet self. So, I think there's hope Winston will also get over his nippy phase.

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