What kind of toys do Chins like?

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Apr 16, 2011
I was thinking of making toys for chins and I am wondering what types of things they like.

Do they like food coloring on woods or can they have it?

What are their favorite woods?
It really depends on the chins. Some favs for my own chins are toys made from apple or pear wood, willow balls, shredders, some like pine slats (others don't touch it), pumice (hit and miss with some), and those are the top items for my guys.
What is the best natural stringing material to use?
I would think if you use grasses, they would give it one snip and it would be all over the ground lol
My chinchillas really love willow balls but like Tagna said, it's really hit and miss. Some chinchillas might like certain things while others wont touch them. If you browse stores of people who sells chinchilla toys you could probably get some ideas.

http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34 Is a list of safe woods for chinchillas, hopefully this can help you decide what to make the toys out of. You could probably search this forum for good stringing materials as well.
What is the best natural stringing material to use?
I would think if you use grasses, they would give it one snip and it would be all over the ground lol

I use either chain or safe wire. Otherwise, they chew it and no more hanging toy. I have used Sisal and sea grass but the toys just end up on the bottom of the cage.
Yeah, my chinchilla likes to destroy the string first on hanging toys with sisal or coconut grass. Even so, I think it would be cute to have a little hanging coconut garland across the front of my chinchilla's cage with willow balls strung along it. If you knot or braid the rope, it should last for a lot longer.
You have to be careful that the sisal/coconut/hemp? (don't know if hemp is safe) does not have any lubricants on them. Often they will because it keeps the fibers from setting on fire when they're being wound by machines.

Generally if it's safe for birds, it's safe for chinnies. I would like to know if hemp is safe for chins though.
Danita, the hanging toys i made for Rhino with the seagrass rope i got from you were all over his cage floor the next morning, lol! definitely chain or wire is needed if you want toys to stay hanging.

and wires, chains, clips, etc can't be zinc coated (although i'm sure you know this for your birds already).
my three boys like pretty much the same...
the finger traps,superpet lava stones-thin triangle shape, willow balls and wreaths, pine, birdie bagels, loofah once in a while- mood dependant, apple wood, etc.
I would be careful with the superpet lava stones. I used to buy them until I opened a package and it smelt so strong of paint I could smell it from 3 feet away and for about 10 min in my room. I took that back immediately and never bought them again. It says they use safe paint, but it smelt just like spray paint, SUPER strong. no thanks! :)
Mine prefer fruit woods. I have 1 chin who really loves hardwood like manzanita though, the other chin doesn't bother with it as he likes softer woods. I prefer using chain since its refillable.