What is this sound?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
I have been trying to capture a recording, and when I do, I will post it. But I figured I would describe the situation and see what you all think.

Wally the boy lives alone on the bottom of a FN cage. Lucy the girl lives on top of the FN cage. Wally likes to go to the highest shelf he can possibly get to, and stands up on his hind legs, pushes his nose through the cage, and sniffs.

He then makes this strange call. It's not a bark or a kack. It's also not normal peeping. It goes on for maybe 15 seconds. Sometimes he does it once. Sometimes he stops for five minutes and then does the 15-second burst of noise again.

It starts soft and gets louder at the end. The noise is quick and pulsating- quicker than a series of barks. Whereas there is maybe one or two seconds between each bark, this noise happens every second with a very short pause (less than a second) between each peep/noise.

What could this be? Some sort of "mate with me" call?
Yes, it does intact sound like he wants to mate. :) So, if you have them housed together, I would keep an eye out for a mating plug.