What are these noises? And raisins are bad?! What?

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Hi guys...
I'm not an extremely new chin owner; I've had my captain poopy-pants for about two years now and have read up about chins quite a bit in that time. However, I still have questions.

I just saw in that "newbie mistakes" thread that raisins are bad (as treats)... All of the chin-fo sites and books say it's OK to give them raisins. Please clarify?

But I came here today because he has been making some strange noises: he barks/squeals like a little pig but it's very loud. I don't know what's wrong (if anything) and the websites with recorded chin sounds don't match these at all.
There is nothing causing him to be alarmed,
He has food, water, just gave him dust...

Maybe he is just bored or wants more attention? Sometimes he makes that noise at night when I'm asleep so I figure he's hungry or bored so I take care of the problem. But right now it's day time and I don't see anything visibly wrong.

Also, these barks/squeals are in a series. He did it a few times and each time it was the same pattern. I wish I knew what he was trying to tell me!
He's most likely barking. I don't find that any chin sounds exactly like that sounds website, but they are close. They will bark probably 3, 4, 5 times in a row, then stop. Then start again.

As far as raisins, almost all the members here will say not to use them. They are loaded with sugar, and even though it's natural, chins are not set up to digest and process sugar.
hehehe I love the name!! :high5: That's awesome...Captain should be part of most names or Admiral...Admiral Poopy-pants would be good. Mr. Poopy Pants... All awesome.

Raisins should be fed extremely sparingly. We're talking one as the treat for the day once every week or two. It's really hardly worth it to keep them around for the chins because they aren't going to be fed much at all. They are very high in sugar and too many can cause problems. It's better to go with something that you can be more flexible with giving everyday. Shredded wheat squares are good, extra hay is good... Just remember that the chins don't need a treat. Everything you give a chin takes up a little space in their stomachs that could have been filled with pellets and hay! :)

As for noises...your chin probably is trying to use sound to control you. Mine do it. Lots of alarm calls are made when I turn off their radio or change the station. Chins can be very vocal when it comes to telling you what they want. Sometimes all they want is for someone to come talk to them or SEE what they have done. :)
Thanks guys!

He was barking, and you're right, it was probably only to get attention.

I didn't realize raisins were so bad. No more! I have given him those snack sticks before, too — that stuff from the pet store :( I'm glad he's still ok.
I have a chin who likes to bark while he is on me as a means of communication. some chins are just bonkers ;)
I remember my chins LOVED the mini shredded wheat squares. They went bonkers for them, which was good because they were a lot healthier than fruit treats.
My chins bark: at night when I'm sleeping because they want attention & in their sleep because I'd like to think that they're dreaming.
I just want to add that one time, one of my chinchillas would not stop barking. I noticed nothing wrong, his food & water was fine, his body doesn't feel like it was injured in any places from his out-of-cage playtime .. until I felt his tummy, it was hard & it turned out that he had a GI stasis/bloat problem. So, might be worth double checking to make sure it's nothing serious.
I bark back and they stop. Usually. I get that "Oh gawd, it's her again" look from them. Unless they are barking in their sleep then I say "Mommy's Here" and that seems to help. One thing I've noticed about barking is you can hear a big inhale from them before they make that sound. And, If you watch them in between barks you can see taking a deep breath before the bark. Meatball barks more for attention whereas Barry Manilow is still scared even though I've had him for close to a year. He is just now comfortable letting me pet "his fingers". Strange dude.