What age is best for "Chip"

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Mar 23, 2013
Hi, I have "Chip", a 2 year old ebony male chin. I would like to get him a cage partner, another male chin.

I've read all about how to introduce them, and am prepared for the process.

But here is my question: Do you think I will have the best success getting a 2nd chin for Chip that is either 1.) a baby, 2.) or about the same age as Chip, or 3.) older than Chip?

What is the general opinion?

Thank you.
Some chins just hate their own species no matter what the age and even if they first seem like they get along that can change at any time, you always have to be prepared to have a cage set up and room for as many chins as you have.
I don't think age will make that big of a difference. Some chins like everyone and some don't like any. I have a tan female who refuses to live with a ebony. I have tried a dozen or so chins but she will live with any other color. Chins are weird. Just be ready for the fact they may need to live separate.
oh my mistake, my son has just informed me that Chip will be 12 months old, not 2 years. Does that change anything.

Yes I have a second cage, Chip's original one, plus I could always add a divider to the Mansion to create two spaces, it is the double door.
Mandatory post reminder about quarantine ha ha :)

Also, as has been previously stated, disposition and random chin characteristics that chins pick up about each other matter WAY more than age. I was just reading a post about two brothers, born together, bonded together for like five years, suddenly, out of the blue, they hated each other.

Chins are interesting.
It's been my experience and I always advise buyers, that a second chin is best YOUNG. I mean under 5mos of age. My experience has taught me that in general, young chins bond well with other chins because they are more open to the other chin being the dominant chinchilla. They don't have set habits of their own and they are more likely to accept the set habits of the older chin rather than "fight the habits" Hope that make sense. I've spoken with other breeders and they agree on this. Best of luck!
Thank you...that is indeed helpful and makes sense. O spoke to my breeder and they said young better too for same reasons.