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Jul 29, 2009
Southeast Texas!
is what I've been told over and over again by some of my "older" friends now that I'm starting highschool..

I remember that first morning driving to the school with my mom in silence, as I was thinking and she was getting teary eyed.
I asked her what was wrong and she replied with " It seems like 15 years ago you were just a little baby, without a care in the world and now your growing up, and your becoming such a young man "

All I could do was hug my mom, and thank her for everything she has done for me, and especially in the past few months with getting all my chinchillas and them paying for about 700.00$ worth the "stuff" for them.

I'm so grateful for everything her and my dad provide me with, even though sometimes I dont show it.

I cant believe in 25 days I'll be legally driving, and soon will be having a job.

I just thought I'd share this heart touching moment with you.

Shawn - it sounds like you're well on your way to understanding the meanings behind what people say, something most often lost by todays youth! [IMO]
Keep thinking - you'll go a long way!
Eh, I don't think life really gets interesting til college age. I think at high school age you're still so young. I enjoyed college so much more than high school. So much less drama, and more maturity.

Believe me, you can change so much from high school to at the end of college. So high school age isn't really the "rest of your life" per se..

Just my thoughts!
I've always seen Highschool as something that is going to shape who I am and what I love to do in the rest of my life.
I do I want to be an exotic vetrenarian and I want to major in english. :).
Shawn, here's my advice. No matter how old you think you are, or how mature you think you might be--take time to grow up! As a young teen you want so badly to "grow up" and drive and get a job. But once those things happen there's no turning back! Don't be in such a rush to get out into the world. Take time to be with your parents and your siblings if you have any. NEVER pass up the opportunity to tell the people you love that you do love them. Even if the job you might get seems hokey--enjoy it! The easy days of laughing with friends while making burgers at Hardee's aren't long lived.
One day you'll be a productive member of society--maybe a husband, maybe a dad. You won't get to be so carefree anymore! You'll have "gasp" responsibilities! You won't get a nap during the day--you won't get to eat candy or ice cream without it going to your hips or belly!
Just really take some time to get where you eventually want to be. Once you're there you really can't go back.
Trust me I'm in no rush, the only reason for the whole job thing is that when I get my permit I will be responsible for paying for my insurance (about 130, 150$) a month, and thats after a discount because I've taken defensive driving classes.

I just cant wait to really start living my life, and being treated like more of a young adult then just some little kid, y'a know?
Oh my, just thinking about having children , makes my spine shake lmao!
Good on you for recognizing all the help your parents have given you! A lot of people don't seem to realize that until much later in life - myself included.

Enjoy high school. It really is the first day of the rest of your life, but it's also a stepping stone. Graduating high school, starting college, getting your first "real" job... those are all important milestones too. It seems like your parents have done a stellar job in raising you, and now it's your turn to make them proud.

Good luck, and enjoy your high school years. They really are the best years of your life.
Thank you Courtney, I do help around though as much as I can (Babysitting, mopping, sweeping, dishes, laundry, dusting, vacuuming, feeding dogs, cats, and chinchillas, windexing, lmao am I leaving anything out?)
Taking out trash?

It might be nice for both of your parents if you printed out this thread, or just wrote a note or thank you card, to let them know how much you appreciate them. Not trying to be Debbie Downer here, but I'm not too much older than you, and my father's health recently started failing. Looking back on freshman year of high school, I wish I'd spent less time being angry with him and more time just being With him. I didn't have much to start, and then once I got busy with high school things (clubs, jobs, newspaper, choir, and the list goes on) I missed what time I'd been given. It's hard not to love your parents most of the time, but it's easy to forget to remind them that you do. :)
What a nice post Shawn. My dad once told me that just because I turned 18 doesn't mean his job will ever stop. I'm almost 48 and he is now 70. He and his wife ( my super parents ) are comming next week and driving almost 900 miles to be here for their granddaughters birthday. I am soooooooo blessed. I thank my lucky stars for a super job my "Gran" did parenting my dad. Your going to be an awesome dad one day too. I just know it!

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