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Chinchilla Goddess
Sep 7, 2011
Marquette Heights, IL
So When I was 10 I was diagnosed with shingles. For some who do not know what it is, it is caused from virus that causes chickenpox.

Here is a web site with more info.

Well here is how it works with me. I get it at less once a year. They do not know why or how... I have a nasty our break on my legs now.

It is so frustrating! I can not even sleep in the same bed as Aj, Because he could get it from me. IT makes me angry to be honest. One year I had it on my face. I turned 18 but could do nothing because I had shingles all over my face.
When I get out breaks I can not go to work or have much contact with people because they can get it.

I have had tests When I was younger they have no clue why I keep getting it. They think it has something to do with I have had chickenpox 4 different times. So from that they think my body can not fight off the virus. There is no treatment but pain pills and cream to help. None really help. The pills leave me sick and not full in my mind, Loopy. The cream cost almost 100$ a small tube.

The vaccine did not work for me, I have had it 2 different times.

After each out break I have to go to the doc to get a nerve test where ever the out break was because it can harm the nerves. I had it bad on my arm one time. I have nerve damage. I am scared this will be my life forever.

I wonder if it will effect the chinchillas. Can they get it? Should I have Aj take care of them until I am cleared up? I dont want to get them sick, but I can not imagine not being able to love on them. I love just putting my fingers in their fur and petting them, getting whisker kisses. It is one thing I can count on in this world, I will always have their love. :)

I am frustrated and angry with this. I feel helpless, That is the worse part! Having something so painful, and bad happening to your body but there is nothing you or a doctor can do about it. :'(
I'm so sorry. I've had shingles once... and that was quite enough. I can only imagine how disrupting it must be to have get it back every year.

I had slightly different recommendations about contact with other people though. As long as the affected areas were covered or had gotten to the point where they're scabbed, the docs said it was fine to be around other people. They also said that shingles itself wasn't contagious... like if I had shingles, it's not like my friends or family would be at increased risk of catching shingles from me. Rather, it was only those who had never had chicken pox nor the vaccine who would be at risk of getting chicken pox.

Re: your chin. Here's the feedback I received when I asked about my hedgie & me: http://www.hedgehogcentral.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2881&p=23638&hilit=shingles#p23638
I'm very sorry you have to go through this! I'm not sure about shingles affecting chinchillas, but I would have AJ take of them when you have an outbreak. It's the safest bet. I can relate a little to your situation (not anywhere as serious) about being sick and not being able to control it- not to mention love on your chinnies. I get cold sores- not often, but maybe once every two months. If I'm stressed it can be more. I hate it. Because chinchillas can get the herpes simplex virus, I have to basically stay away from them when I have it. :( Everybody always looks at me like I have some crazy disease. :( I have considered going to the doc, but I don't know if it's really a problem or not.

Hang in there!! I hope the doctors can find something that works for you! I know shingles are very painful! :( I will definitely keep you in my thoughts! Take care of yourself hun!
Thanks a lot for all the info. I have Aj taking care of them full time until I can. He is also getting the shingles vaccination today during his lunch.
Hmm It is different but honestly nothing is working so if there is a chance for something to work ill try it! Thanks a lot!

Ill read more into it.

That makes me kinda excited lol.
Have they not tried acyclovir treatments when you broke out? I had shingles a few months ago and it cleared it up in days.
They have tried a lot of different things. I think last year they had me on Zovirax.

It just spread. At the time I had it on my face on my cheek, then it was down my neck and chest.