Weighing my Chins

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2011
New York
I bought a Digital Kitchen scale today at Walmarts. I thought it would be a good idea for myself to weigh my chins just in case they had any changes in eating,ect. My question is: How offten do you weigh your Chins and what is the easiest way to put them on the scale?
Thank you all in advance!
I weigh all my chins once a month. If I notice them losing, I weigh weekly or daily, depending on the issue.

Some put large bowls or boxes on the scale, tare it, and put the chin in. Or just weight whatever it is, put your chin in, and subtract the weight of your container.

Personally I just pull mine out of the cages and plop them on the scale, hold my hand over their head, and they stay long enough to get a reading.
I use velcrove to hold a bowl securely on top of the scale and then put my chin in it.

My CJ had teeth issues and was weighed often so he was used to the drill and was the only one that would stay in the bowl long enough to get a pic -
I have a scale with a glass dish already attached. I don't weigh alone and it helps tremendously. Most of my chins sit very good for weighing. You can also offer a small treat like a cheerio and they might sit still for that. I have a 3 month old kit that is weighed weekly the rest of the gain is weighed monthly.
Stacie, Sandi and Laurie...Thank you so much for helping me out with my weights! What would I do without you!!
Sandi- LOVE the pic of CJ. If I show my chinnies that pic they may just sit like that..lol
Spoof, Thank you that was very helpfull also. My eyes were glued on your dark ebony...so cute! :)

I will NEVER have kits as I leave that all in the pro's hand's! Way to scarry for me but I should get weights on my chins just in case. I think I know what to do. In the morning Im gonna try to do this. Ill post later with the weights and see what you think. :hug2: I just LOVE them!
Good weight or no

If I only video taped my husband and I last night we could have won 10 thousand from Americas Funniest videos!! We did get a few of them to get on the scale. What do you think:
Female Violet (Paris) 9/3/10 532g
Female Silver/White (5/24/10) 554g
Female White (3/10/10) 679g
Im going to work on the others today. It takes FOREVER..lol