Weeing in his food bowl

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I have a 6 month old male albino hedgie. I've had him since he was separated from mum at 8 weeks old and over the last 5 days he has started weeing in his food dish. He's still eating the food but then pee's in it after he's done whether there's food left over or it's empty. I've been cleaning the bowl once a day but now have to do it more often. I have tried moving the bowl around but he still wees whereever the bowl goes. Any suggestions on how to stop him or why he does this? Thanks Nikki
Try giving him another bowl and move the bowls apart enough that he can't sit in one while eating or drinking out of the other. You can also put the third empty bowl between the food and water. Sometimes they get it into their head the the bowls make a good toilet. :hilarious:
yea I love those covered ceramic bowls - I use them for my chins - some of which like to pee in their bowls also . I would think they could work for hedgies also Aren't our critters littlle buggers. They just love to drive us crazy. As, my husband says. short trip for me