Wanted: chin pictures on relatively solid backgrounds!

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sheena lee

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2011
Montreal, QC
Hey guys!

I'm looking for decent-resolution photos of chinchillas on relatively solid backgrounds.

The pics will be used for Design project, a fictitious company called RodentWear, that advocates wearing live fur ("a new, humane way to wear fur"). It's supposed to be a satire and humorous commentary on the fur industry.

If you have a photo of your chin I'd love to use it and credit you (on the website rodentwear.tumblr.com) if you have a website, blog, or whatever else. The images will be superimposed to look like they are worn by people (like a chin on the head for a hat, shoulder for a scarf, etc..) I'll PM you my email address if you have photos!!

I know there was a site I'd stumbled upon with show chinchillas for sale, but I can't seem to find it anymore... If anyone has the link to that site, that would be super too.
Yes! Send them to sheenamcinnes[at]gmail.com (replace the [at] with @ of course!)

The project is nearly complete, but I'm totally up for making more ads! You can check out the project like i mentioned before at rodentwear.tumblr.com :)) The ads I've already made are there!
Sent an email, but received it back as 'failed'. Can you jot me an email at chinchillasnhockey(at)gmail.com? (At is @) thanks!